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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.12 - Getting Started Guide

Non-Pooled component

The Non-Pooled component monitors the percentage of active database agents that were not retrieved from the agent pool. The agent pool contains idle database agents—agents currently not working on behalf of an application. When an application connects to a database, the application is assigned an agent from the pool. When the application disconnects from the database, the agent is returned to the agent pool. However, when an application connects to a database and no agents reside in the pool, a new agent is created, incurring overhead. In some cases, an application can steal an agent from another application and possibly degrade performance.

Required monitor switch


Displayed statistic

At each refresh, Spotlight captures the percentage of currently active database agents that were not retrieved from the agent pool. This percentage includes agents that were either created or stolen from another application.

A high percentage here might indicate an insufficient number of idle agents or a too-high workload for the database. A low percentage might indicate an excess of agents. Adjusting the NUM_POOLAGENTS and MAXAGENTS database manager configuration parameters can affect this percentage.

Associated drilldown

Click the Non-Pooled component to open the Databases drilldown. At the database level, this drilldown shows details about the DB2 database (or partition in that database) that you are currently monitoring. At the instance level, this drilldown provides details about all the active databases in the DB2 instance and helps you pinpoint problem activity.


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