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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.12 - Getting Started Guide

Completed Transaction Rate

The Request/Response Xact/s dataflow depicts the rate at which applications and the database manager are completing commits and rollbacks within the database or partition.

Required monitor switch


Displayed statistic

At each refresh, Spotlight captures the following statistic and displays it just above the dataflow:

  • Xact/s (completed transaction rate)—The number of commits and rollbacks completed per second within the database or partition. This number includes both internal transactions that the database manager executes and transactions completed at the application level.


The line graph that appears over the dataflow charts the completed transaction rate over the series of refreshes that occur during the Spotlight session.

Associated drilldown

Click the Request/Xact/s dataflow to open the Top SQL drilldown. This drilldown provides details about the SQL statements currently running (or recently run) on the database or partition and helps you pinpoint problem SQL.


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