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Spotlight on Oracle 10.7 - Release Notes

Oracle Parameters Page

To open the Oracle Parameters page

  1. Select the Spotlight on Oracle RAC connection in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Configuration & Memory | Oracle Parameters.

Actions on the Parameters Grid

Action Description
Select Show hidden parameters

Display all Oracle parameters.

Note: Not applicable to Oracle 11g Release 2 and above. For Oracle 11g Release 2 and above the hidden parameters not shown have retained their default value.

Double click on a parameter

  • or right click and select Modify parameter
  • or highlight a parameter and click Modify parameter

Change the value of a parameter.


  • You must have administrator privileges.
  • You can alter only parameters that are displayed in black
  • This opens the Edit Oracle Parameter dialog.

Parameters Grid

The Oracle Parameters grid displays global variables that can alter the way Oracle works.

Note: The Oracle version currently being used is displayed above the Parameters grid.

Column Description


The name of the parameter.

Instance Name The instance in the Oracle RAC cluster to which the parameter applies.


The value of the parameter.

Is default?

Whether the current value is the default value.

Sys modifiable? Whether the parameter can be changed via ALTER SYSTEM.
Description A short description of the parameter.
Adjusted? Whether the RDBMS has adjusted the user's input value to a more suitable value.
Modified If the parameter is changed via ALTER SESSION, the value is MODIFIED. If the parameter is changed via ALTER SYSTEM, the value is SYS_MODIFIED. Otherwise, the value is NO.

Session modifiable

Whether the parameter can be changed via ALTER SESSION.

Type The parameter type: Boolean, String, or Integer.

Edit Oracle Parameter dialog

Open this dialog from the Parameters grid.

Option Description

Parameter value

Enter a new value for the Oracle parameter.


Define the scope of the change.

  • Memory - The change is applied in memory only.
  • SPFile - The change is applied in the server parameter file only. For all parameters, the change is effective at the next startup and is persistent.
  • Both - The change is applied in both the server parameter file and memory.

Note: In Oracle RAC, the Scope value cannot be changed for the cluster as a whole. To change the Scope value for individual instances, use Spotlight on Oracle.

Instance The database instance that the change will apply to. If you choose the * value from the list, the change will apply to all instances in the cluster.

Make the change. The value of the parameter is updated immediately.

Note: Changes made within Spotlight on Oracle RAC are effective immediately for the current instance. If applied to other instances in the cluster, changes are effective after the next refresh.


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Related Documents
Spotlight on Oracle - 10.7
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
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