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Spotlight on DB2 6.10 - Release Notes

Database and Node home page

Database or partition home page

The database or partition home page appears on the Spotlight desktop when you choose to monitor a specific DB2 for LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows) database or a partition for that database. This home page provides a visual overview of activity on your database or on the partition. Related statistics and graphs are grouped together on panels, which, in turn, are connected by a series of graphical dataflows. Spotlight updates these statistics, graphs, and flows in real time so that you see how your system is performing. Visual or audible alarms on the home page help you to spot bottlenecks quickly.

The main elements of the database home page include the following components:

  • The toolbar—The set of icons across the top of the home page that provide quick methods for navigating between the home pages, drilldowns, and help.

  • Spotlight browser—The panel that lists the databases and their partitions that you are monitoring. The name of the specific database or partition that you are currently monitoring on the home page is highlighted. This name changes color to match the color of the component or dataflow that represents the worst severity currently existing in that database or partition. (This identifier can also match the color of a severity occurring at the instance level on the instance home page.)

  • Statistics panels—The vertical groupings of related components that represent areas of the database being monitored. For example, the Agents panel groups the Registered, Non-Pooled, Pending Locks, and Pending Token components, each of which monitors the status or a specific activity of database agents in the database or partition.

  • Dataflows—The flow graphs that illustrates the rate at which data, such requests for data and the I/O generated in response to these requests, is moving through the database. Dataflows change their speed and color, alerting you to performance issues.

  • Connection identifier—The name of the connection that you are currently monitoring. (This name was defined when the connection was set up in the Spotlight Connection Manager.) Located in the top right corner of the home page, this identifier changes color to match the color of the component or dataflow that represents the worst severity detected in the DB2 database or partition you are monitoring. (This identifier can also match the color of a severity detected at the instance level for this database or partition. You can view this severity on the instance home page.)

Home page elements

Click on any of the following for details about a specific home page element:

The toolbar

Spotlight browser

Client Apps panel

Agents panel

Buffer Pool panel

I/O Agents panel

Storage panel

Active Log panel


Database Information panel

Connection Identifier

How do I...?

Navigate between database, partition, and instance home pages and drilldowns

View help for components on the home page

Open the Alarm Log

Perform an immediate refresh on statistics


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