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Spotlight on DB2 6.10 - Release Notes

Average Physical I/O Times Graph

The Average Physical I/O Times graph plots the average amount of time spent performing physical reads and writes for a tablespace. The reads are physical in that they are performed against tablespace containers and require I/O.

The graph contains separate series for reads and writes:

  • Reads —Shown in light blue, this series plots the average amount of time performing physical reads for a tablespace.

  • Writes —Shown in orange, this series plots the average amount of time performing physical writes for a tablespace.

The times spent on physical reads and writes are averaged from statistics accumulated since a database was started or statistics were reset. They are shown in milliseconds on the vertical axis. Check these values along the horizontal axis to see how average times are changing over consecutive monitoring intervals of ten minutes.

Note: Check the Statistics tab to see counts for physical reads.


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