If you plan to upgrade from one version of Oracle Database to another, uninstall QSA first. After the new Oracle database is installed, reinstall the server and the QSA agent.
When upgrading Oracle
The Remove Space Manager Server Objects function can be used to uninstall server components from a database whenever needed. This function drops all Space Manager objects from a database, including statistics tables and script tables. It also drops the demonstration data.
Note: Datafiles for demonstration data tablespaces must be removed from the server manually.
Server components must be uninstalled by the DBA that installed them. They must be removed individually from each database in which they are installed.
Normally, demonstration data is automatically removed along with server components. However, the data is not removed when demonstration tablespaces contain objects that are not owned by the demonstration user. To ensure that demonstration data is removed, relocate non-demonstration objects before you uninstall the server components.
After demonstration data is uninstalled, manually delete the demonstration datafiles, SPCDEMO01_nn.dbf and SPCDEMO02_nn.dbf.
To uninstall (remove) server objects and demonstration data
To uninstall server components, select Tools | Admin | Remove Space Manager Server Objects. If demonstration data is installed, it is removed along with server components.
Note: After server components and QSA are uninstalled, manually delete demonstration datafiles, SPCDEMO01_nn.dbf and SPCDEMO02_nn.dbf.
The Server Agent must be uninstalled individually from each database for which it is installed. It must be uninstalled by the user that installed it.
Note: If you used the QSA Installer or the manual install method to install the agent, use the same method to uninstall it.
This section describes how to uninstall QSA from an Oracle database on a UNIX or Linux server with the QSA Installer. You can use the QSA Installer if you have both SSH and SFTP access to the database server. If you do not have both, you must use a manual procedure. See "Manually Uninstall Server Agent from UNIX or Linux" in the Space Manager Installation Guide for more information.
To uninstall the agent from UNIX or Linux
Run the Space Manager client and connect to the target database as the DBA that installed QSA.
Note: After uninstalling the server components, the Server Agent Installer automatically opens to the Log on page. Skip ahead to step 4.
If you did not uninstall QSA as root, log into the server as root and run the ROOT_UNINSTALL.SH script as follows. Use SID for the target database.
# /tmp/root_uninstall.sh SID
This section describes how to uninstall the Server Agent from a local or remote Windows server.
Note: The agent must be running when you uninstall it from a Windows server. You can start the agent from the Windows Services window, or run QSAStart.cmd in the \bin folder under the agent install folder (<installation path>\Quest Server Agent\<ORACLE_SID>\bin).
To manually uninstall the Server Agent from Windows, see "Manually Uninstall Server Agent from Windows" in the Space Manager Installation Guide.
To uninstall QSA from a local Windows server, you can run the Server Agent Installer from the Space Manager application.
To uninstall QSA from a local Windows server
Run the Space Manager client and connect to the target database as the DBA that installed QSA.
Note: After uninstalling server components, the Server Agent Installer automatically opens. Skip ahead to step 3.
To run the QSA Installer, select Tools | Admin | Quest Server Agent | Manage Quest Server Agent.
To uninstall QSA from a remote Windows server, you must copy the Server Agent Installer from the Space Manager application directory to the Windows server. (Installing QSA on the remote Windows server also required copying the Server Agent Installer to the Windows server.)
To copy the QSA Installer to remote Windows server
To uninstall QSA from a remote Windows server
This section describes how to uninstall the Space Manager client.
To uninstall the Space Manager client
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