This topic introduces the ost command usage:
- ost --show [options]
- ost --update --opdup_encryption [options]
- ost --delete_client [options]
- ost --update_client [options]
- ost --limit --speed --target [options]
- ost --partial_images --containerid [options] --delete [Partial image path] --timeout <number of seconds>
- ost --help
NOTE: If you specify a command without supplying the expected value or option, you will be prompted to provide the correct value or option. |
Displays the current OpenStorage Technology (OST) configuration information for QoreStor. Parameters are described as follows:
- config — Displays OST configuration.
- file_history — Display(s) history of last 10 OST optimized duplication image file(s).
- name — OST container name.
- active_files — Display(s) current OST image files being replicated.
- name — OST container name.
- clients — Displays OST clients.
- limits — Replication speed limits.
ost --show [--config] [--file_history] [--name <name>] [--active_files] [--name <name>] [--clients] [--limits]
--config Displays OST configuration.
--file_history Display(s) history of last 10 OST optimized duplication image file(s).
--name OST container name.
--active_files Display(s) current OST image files being replicated.
--name OST container name.
--clients Displays OST clients.
--limits Replication speed limits.
OST Login Entry User : backup_user
OST OPDUP Encryption : Not Enabled
NOTE: To display other types of OST configuration information, substitute the --file_history, --name <name>, or --clients options in the QoreStor CLI command. |
Other Examples
Display the last 10 replicated files that were processed via the DMA optimized duplication process for an OST container (in this example, the container is “ost.”) by running the following:
ost --show --file_history --name ost
Data replication history:
File Peer IP Peer ID Savings Bytes Throughput Replicated At: Encryption
/1481068800/w1 10 100.00% 107374182400Bytes 1075139KiB/s 2016-12-07 07:58:19 None
Display the OST clients, by running the command: ost --show --clients
OST Client(s) IP Address Type Plugin OS Backup Software Last Access Connection(s) Mode
sekhar-w12-h58 OST Windows Server 2012 64-bit NetBackup 7.702.16 -- 0 Dedupe
NOTE: The displayed output when using the QoreStor CLI ost --show --clients command could indicate a fourth type of mode value. Depending upon the client, this value would normally display Auto, Dedupe, Passthrough, or Default. However, you could potentially display a mode value of Mixed, which indicates that you had changed the mode using the QoreStor CLI while the client is still connected. |
NOTE: Be aware that the mode for clients that were connected to the OST media server before configuration changes might be different that what is shown in the displayed output when using the QoreStor CLI ost --show --clients command. The configuration changes will be updated and reflect any future connections. |
To verify the current state of an OST client, you can check these two sources:
- QoreStor CLI, using the ost --show --clients command
- QoreStor GUI, displaying the System Configuration page
These sources display information about the connected and configured clients. For example, when a system is connected to multiple times, these sources show the number of connections to that client and the mode. You can also change the mode from dedupe to the other supported modes. When this is done the displayed mode will change, but any active connections will remain. There are essentially two possible modes: Dedupe and Passthrough. To verify the current mode of an OST client, you can check these two sources of client statistics:
- QoreStor CLI, using the stats --container --name command
- QoreStor GUI, displaying the System Configuration page
In the Storage Groups page, click Container Details under the corresponding storage group to display the Client Statistics table. If the Network Savings level in this table displays some savings and the displayed Bytes Ingested value is different from the displayed Bytes Transferred, this indicates that the OST clients are working in the Dedupe mode. If not, this indicates that the OST containers are working in the Passthrough mode.
Sets the type of encryption that will be used by OST initiated opdup replication.
ost --update --opdup_encryption <none || aes256>
--opdup_encryption Type of encryption to use on the wire.
OST OPDUP encryption updated to aes128
This command deletes the OST client and any edits that have been made to its default values. The next time a connection is established between the client and the QoreStor server, the default OST connection settings will be used. Deleting an OST client using this CLI command does not affect data already written to QoreStor.
ost --delete_client --name <OST Client Hostname>
--name Host name
Successfully deleted OST client acme-99.