Purpose: This method checks if a value is empty. Returns True if the given expression evaluates to either Null or an empty string ("")
Syntax: empty(value)
Example: The following will set the Company attribute to "BlueFish Hotels" if the Source company field is empty string or Null.
Target Attribute : Company
Value : "BlueFish Hotels"
Condition : empty(S.Company)
Purpose: This method checks if the given string value exists anywhere within the given string source. Returns True if value is found in source and False otherwise.
Syntax: contains(source, value)
NOTE: Does not work with list or multivalued attributes.
Example: You want to set ExtensionAttribute10 to "No Sync", but only if the source Company field contains "BlueFish".
Target Attribute : ExtensionAttribute10
Value : "No Sync"
Condition : contains(S.Company, "BlueFish")
Purpose: This method evaluates whether the given string value is a suffix of the given string source. Returns True if source ends with value and False otherwise.
Syntax: ends(source, value)
Example: You are rebranding and need to change values in the target based on values in the source attribute Company. The following example will set the target Company attribute to "BlueFish Motels" if the source Company field ends with "Hotels"
Target Attribute : Company
Value : "BlueFish Motels"
Condition : ends(S.Company, "Hotels")
Purpose: This method returns the length in characters of a given string value
Syntax: length(value)
Example: The standard for email alias is firstName.lastName unless that would exceed 10 characters. When it exceeds 10 characters only use the first initial and 8 characters from the last name. The following expression will check if the combination of source firstName and lastName is less than 10 characters in length. If so (length is less than 10) the value will be set to firstName.lastName. However, if the combination would contain more than 10 characters, the value will be set to firstInitial.lastName with the last name limited to the first 8 characters.
Target Attribute : Alias
Value : if(length(s.firstName + s.lastName) < 10, s.firstname+"."+ s.lastname, trunc(s.firstName, 1) + "." + trunc(s.lastName, 8))
Condition : Null
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