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NetVault Plug-in for SnapMirror to Tape 12.2 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug-in for SnapMirror to Tape

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug‑in for SnapMirror to Tape

About NetVault Backup Plug-in for SnapMirror to Tape

About NetVault Backup Plug‑in for SnapMirror to Tape

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for SnapMirror to Tape (Plug‑in for SnapMirror to Tape) provides block-level backups and improved disaster recovery support for data stored on NetApp filers. Working with NetApp SnapMirror technology, the plug-in allows you to back up selected volumes or snapshots to tape devices for off-site storage. An intuitive, easy-to-use GUI gives you a single, centralized console to configure backup and restore policies for all your NetApp filers.

The SnapMirror to Tape backups are faster than NDMP Dump backups. The following table describes the difference between these two backup types.

Target audience

This guide is intended for backup administrators and other technical personnel who are responsible for designing and implementing a backup strategy for NAS filers. A good understanding of NAS, NDMP, and the operating systems under which the NetVault Backup Server and Clients are running is assumed.

Recommended additional reading

Quest NetVault Backup Installation Guide: This guide provides details on installing the NetVault Backup Server and Client software.
Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide: This guide explains how to use NetVault Backup and describes the functionality common to all plug-ins.
Quest NetVault Backup CLI Reference Guide: This guide provides a description of the command-line utilities.
Quest NetVault Backup Plug-in for NDMP Application Notes: These notes provide filer-specific information.
NAS device documentation: Administrator’s Guide for your NDMP-based NAS appliance
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