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MessageStats 7.8.1 - Upgrade Guide

Upgrading MessageStats Overview

MessageStats upgrade paths

MessageStats 7.8.1 supports an in-place upgrade from 7.4 or later. If you have an earlier version (6.5.1 to 7.3) of MessageStats, you must first upgrade to 7.4.1 and then upgrade 7.4.1 to 7.8.1.

After you have upgraded to 7.4.1, you can perform an in-place upgrade to MessageStats 7.8.1.

About task migration

When upgrading MessageStats, you are prompted to initiate task migration.

Depending on how your MessageStats Scheduler Service is configured and on the number of existing tasks that you have to migrate, task migration can take several hours. If you choose to cancel task migration during the installation process, you can run it separately at a later time.

You cannot use the upgraded MessageStats release until the existing tasks have been migrated.

When you run the MigrateTasks.exe tool, it performs the following tasks:

The following error conditions might be reported during task migration:

If task migration is stopped unexpectedly, the Quest MessageStats Scheduler Service might be left in a disabled state. In this situation, you must enable the scheduler service before you can restart task migration.

Typical MessageStats Upgrade Scenarios

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