This extended stored procedure executes the slssqlmaint.exe utility. It accepts a string that contains the command-line arguments to be passed directly to slssqlmaint.exe.
NOTE: You can generate scripts by opening tasks in the LiteSpeed UI Console and clicking View T-SQL. About Creating Maintenance Plans
EXEC master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint '<task_options> '
Script Maintenance Plans Tasks about the task options and the syntax for scripting maintenance plan tasks.
exec master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D Regex:"LiteSpeed" Regex:"DB1" -BkUpMedia DISK -DelBkUps 3DAYS -BkUpDB "C:\temp" -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "bak" -Logging 1 -Reliability 1 -CompressionLevel 1 -Default "%D_%T_%z.%EXT%" -Exclude Offline LogShippng ReadOnly '
execute master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D "at1" -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "c:\backup" -BkFileName -Logging 0 -CompressionLevel 2 -Mirror "c:\mirror\" -OPTOLR -SmartDiff 14DAYS -DataDelta 35 -SingleFile 0 -BackupEsc -Exclude Offline LogShippng IgnoreReplica Secondary ReadOnly '
execute master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D "TestDatabase" -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "c:\backup\%SERVER%_%D_%T_%z.bak" -BkFileName -Logging 0 -CompressionLevel 2 -Mirror "c:\mirror\" "{""cloud"":""AmazonS3"",""accessKey"":""lkjflkjsldjiofsjrdfftgrux5j+OwkI"",""secretKey"":""’plkljhlkwjnuildiIujUhjkHkldkflkdfe"",""container"":""irelandaatest"",""authType"":""AccessAndSecretKeys"",""region"":""us-east-1"",""storageClass"":""0"",""useSSE"":""False"",""useSSL"":""True"",""isGovCloud"":""False"",""useAcceleration"":""False"",""useAutoStriping"":""True"",""autoStripSize"":""0"",""paths"":[""test/""]}" -OPTOLR -Exclude Offline LogShippng IgnoreReplica Secondary ReadOnly '
exec master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint '-MAINTDEL -DELTYPE FileBkup -DELSUBFOLDERS -DelEmptyFolder -DELFOLDER "C:\temp\" -DELEXTENSION "bak" -DELUNIT "3" -DELUNITTYPE "WEEKS" -DELUSEAGE -NO_OUTPUT '
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