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LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.8 - Release Notes

Known Issues

The following is a list of issues, including those attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the time of release.

Table 18: Version compatibility known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Database backups created with LiteSpeed Version 8.x cannot be restored using older versions of LiteSpeed. However, backups created with previous versions of LiteSpeed can be restored with LiteSpeed 8.2. N/A

Table 19: Console known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

On Windows 8.1, console logging cannot be enabled when UAC is enabled. The workaround is to run LiteSpeed with the “Run as Administrator” option to enable console logging.


Table 20: Backup and restore known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Mirroring is not supported for TSM backups. 49305
LiteSpeed incorrectly writes successful backup details to the SQL Server error log or event viewer if DBCC TRACEON (3226) is run with the backup. These details are not written for a native backup. 38972

On using LiteSpeed Automated Restore to restore an old backup to the source database, automated restore chooses older backups with a higher LSN number in preference to newer backups created after the restore.

Workaround: Remove all the backups from old the database (created before the restore) from the backup folders scanned by Automated Restore.


Table 21: Activity logging known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account must be added to the sysadmin server role on the local instances of SQL Server 2012 or higher in this very rare scenario:

  • The central repository is on the same server as the Local repository and
  • You selected Local System on the Service Account wizard page of the Instance Configuration Wizard and
  • You selected to use Windows authentication for the repositories.

Otherwise, the local instance will not report to the central repository.

Workaround: Instead of adding NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account to the sysadmin server role, you can either provide a Windows domain account on the Service Account wizard page or use SQL Server Authentication for the local and central repositories.


Table 22: Backup Analyzer known issues

Known Issue Issue ID

The LiteSpeed Backup Analyzer backs up the requested amount of data for analysis and then automatically aborts the backup process. This generates VDI error messages in the LiteSpeed SQL Server error log. Please ignore them.


Table 23: Log shipping known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
The publisher and subscriber servers must have the same version of LiteSpeed. 52230
In the native SQL Server 2000 log shipping plans, if the monitoring server is not the same as the subscriber server, information about the restore time is based on the restore job history and may be different from the actual restore time. 98644

On uninstall of LiteSpeed 8.1 followed by install of a modern LiteSpeed, logshipping jobs do not point to the new executable path.

Workaround: At the logshipping module, select the plan and right-click on its name. Click convert to LiteSpeed plan.


Table 24: Maintenance plans known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Legacy native plans on SQL Server 2008 may fail due to Microsoft backward compatibility issue. See 60281

LiteSpeed does not support regular expressions with the IgnoreCase option. To ignore case, use ([Aa][Bb][Cc]) instead of (?i:abc.


Table 25: Log Reader known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
User information displays only for operations in sessions that are currently active. The online log and backups do not contain user information and only contain the SPID for the transaction. 37112
Log Reader does not support row-level and page-level compression. N/A

Table 26: Object Level Recovery known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Restore of a table with default values after adding a NOT NULL column to the existing table will result in an error in the case of using Direct Mode (the issue is related to SQL Server 2012 and higher). Workaround: use Bulk Insert recovery mode. 119733
If there is data of variant type with size > 7991 in the table data, recovery using Bulk Insert will result in a BCP internal error: " The column is too long in the data file for...". Workaround: use Direct Mode for data recovery. 119732

System Requirements

Before installing LiteSpeed 8.8, ensure that your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.

Hardware Requirements

Table 27: List of hardware requirements

Requirements Details
Processor Follow the recommendations for the SQL Server version used.
Disk Space

250 MB of disk space for installation

NOTE: The disk space required may vary based on options selected during installation.


Follow the recommendations for the SQL Server version used.

NOTE: The memory required may vary based on the following:

  • Applications that are running on your system
  • Size and complexity of the database
  • Amount of database activity
  • Number of concurrent users accessing the database
Monitor SVGA with a minimum resolution of 1024x768

Software Requirements

Table 28: List of software requirements

Requirements Details


Microsoft Windows Server 2008 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Server Core 2008 R2

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Server Core 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Server Core 2012 R2

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Server Core 2016

Microsoft Windows Server 2019 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

Microsoft Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)


SQL Server 2005 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2008 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2008 R2 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2012 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2014 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2016 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs)

SQL Server 2017 64-bit (x64) (All Service Packs) when hosted on a Windows operating system.


.Net Framework 4.5 installed before you install the LiteSpeed UI Console and LiteSpeed Core Cloud Components.

.Net Framework 3.5 required with SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2008R2.

If using IBM Spectrum Protect (Tivoli Storage Manager - TSM), the TSM API and Backup/Archive Client version 5.3 or later should be installed.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

Adobe Reader 8 or later to view PDF guides.

Supported Cluster Requirements

  • Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2012 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2016 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2017 Failover Cluster
  • Windows Server 2019 Failover Cluster
  • HP PolyServe Matrix Sever 3.6.1
  • Veritas Storage Foundation HA for Windows 5.0

Supported Deduplication Storage Appliances

LiteSpeed has been tested on Dell DR, EMC Data Domain, and ExaGrid storage appliances.

VMware and Hyper-V Environments

LiteSpeed has been tested and is certified to work under VMware and Hyper-V environments.

Upgrade and Compatibility

For information about registering LiteSpeed and for upgrade instructions, please see the LiteSpeed Installation Guide.

Note that from LiteSpeed 8.5 the default install file path has changed. On upgrade the install file path will not change automatically. You can change the file path during the upgrade process: Browse "Folder name".

Repository Compatibility

If receiving the message "The version of the <RepositoryDatabaseName> on server <ServerName> is greater than the version of this release of LiteSpeed for SQL Server", please see the online Help topic "Upgrade Repositories". The message is an indication that the statistics agent on the older server does not match the newer version of LiteSpeed and must be upgraded.

In addition, there are special considerations if you are upgrading from LiteSpeed 4.x. Review the following before upgrading from LiteSpeed 4.x to LiteSpeed 5.0 or later.

Maintenance Plans

LiteSpeed 5.x and later do not support SSMS plug-in functionality. However, the LiteSpeed UI Console allows you to read SSMS plug-in maintenance plans and upgrade them to SSIS LiteSpeed maintenance plans.

There are two ways to remove old backup files for maintenance plans: the 'Clean up maintenance plans' task and the 'Remove files older than' option in the 'Back Up Database' task. The 'Remove files older than' option removes both LiteSpeed 4.8 and LiteSpeed 5.x/6.x backup files for legacy plans. However, for SSIS maintenance plans it only removes LiteSpeed 5.x/6.x backup files. The 'Clean up maintenance plans' task removes LiteSpeed 4.8 and LiteSpeed 5.x/6.x backup files.

Log Shipping

The SQL Server versions supported for log shipping depend upon the LiteSpeed release:

SQL Server  4.8 5.0 5.0.1 5.0.2  5.1.0–6.5.1 6.5.2 7.x 8.0–8.6.0 8.6.1-8.8
2008 / R2


Product Licensing

For existing customers:

  • If you purchased LiteSpeed and received your new license, enter the License Key and Site Message value during the installation or register LiteSpeed later. The license is updated per server not per instance.
  • If you purchased LiteSpeed but have not received your new LiteSpeed license, please go to and request your upgrade.
  • If you have any other licensing questions related to your purchase, please go to

For trial customers:

Upgrade and Installation Instructions

Installation instructions

Double-click on the appropriate installer (.msi file) and follow the on-screen directions.

  • LiteSpeed.msi—32-bit installer
  • LiteSpeed-x64.msi—64-bit installer

See the LiteSpeedInstallation Guide for full details on installing LiteSpeed. The Installation Guide is located on the product web site and the Quest Support Portal.

Note: It is required that .Net 4.5 is installed before installing LiteSpeed Console and LiteSpeed Core Cloud Components.

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