$s = "BlockInheritance", "Link"
Add-Role "Linker" "Can link GPOs to SOMs" $s
Add-Role -Name "Register Role" -Description "Can register objects" -s "Register", "Unregister"
List of s can be added in-line instead of using a variable.
Get-Security [-Path] <String> [[-IncludeInheritedAce]] [-Raw] [-PipelineVariable <String>]
Get-Security -Path "VCRoot:\IE Settings"
Gets the security set on the "VCRoot:\IE Settings" object.
Get-Security -Path "VCRoot:\IE Settings" -IncludeInheritedAce
Gets the security set on the "VCRoot:\IE Settings" object including inheritance.
Get-Security -Path "VCRoot:\IE Settings" -IncludeInheritedAce -Raw
Gets the security set on the "VCRoot:\IE Settings" object including inheritance in its raw format.
Sets the security on the specified version controlled object.
$ace1 = New-VCAce AMER\Administrator $roles[3]
$ace2 = New-VCAce AMER\jdoe $roles[3]
Set-Security -Path "VCRoot:\IE Settings" -Acl $ace1, $ace2
Sets the security on the specified version controlled object.
Overrides the security filter of the specified GPO.
$gpo = Get-Item VCRoot:\SOME_GPO
$filter = Get-SecurityFilter $gpo
$trustee = New-Trustee domain\user
Set-SecurityFilter $gpo $filter
$gpo = Get-Item VCRoot:\SOME_GPO
$filter = Get-SecurityFilter $gpo
Set-SecurityFilter $gpo $filter
$gpo = Get-Item VCRoot:\SOME_GPO
$filter = Get-SecurityFilter $gpo
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