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Foglight for Oracle (Cartridge) - User Guide

Installing and Configuring Agents Using Foglight for Oracle
Viewing the Databases Dashboard Assigning Instances to Users Selecting an Instance to Monitor Foglight for Oracle Overview Dashboard Overview view Advisories view SQL Performance Investigator (SQL PI) Oracle Activity Drilldown Pluggable Databases Drilldown Storage Drilldown Reviewing Configuration Settings Reviewing the Alert Log Reviewing Monitored Data Guard Environments Reviewing ASM Instances Reviewing Exadata-related Information
Administering Foglight for Oracle Reporting Reference Glossary

Top SQLs

The Top SQLs collection retrieves top n SQL statements (namely: statements that experienced the longest time of CPU consumption or total wait events during the specified time range) and their details.


Array Wastage

The gap (by a percentage) between the average number of rows per fetch that the array can hold, as defined in the arraysize parameter of the various fetch operations of the specified SQL query, and the number of rows actually retrieved.

For example: if the average setting of the arraysize parameter was 5, and the average number of rows actually retrieved per operation was 10, the value indicated will be 50.

Ideally, the value of this parameter is 0; any other value indicates the need for additional roundtrips per each SQL query execution.

Buffer Gets

Number of buffer gets for this child cursor

Child Number

Hash value of the parent statement in the library cache

CPU Time

CPU time used by this cursor for parsing, executing, and fetching

Direct Writes

Number of direct writes for this child cursor

Disk Reads

Number of disk reads for this child cursor

Elapsed Time

Elapsed time used by this cursor for parsing, executing, and fetching


Number of executions that took place on this object since it was brought into the library cache


Number of fetches associated with the SQL statement

Fetches per Execution

The average number of fetches per a single execution associated with the SQL statement

First Load Time

The first time the object was loaded to the shared pool

Hash Value

Hash value of the parent statement in the library cache

Java Time

Java execution time


Number of times the object was either loaded or reloaded

Loads per Execution

The average number of loads per a single execution associated with the SQL statement

Other Buffer Gets

Total time spent waiting for buffer gets on all SQL statements other than the selected statement.

Other CPU Time

Total CPU time consumed for executing all SQL statements other than the selected statement.

Other Disk Reads

The total number of disk reads carried out by all SQL statements except the selected statement.

Other Executions

Number of executions that took place on this object since it was brought into the library cache.

Other Total Waits

Total time spent on wait events due to executing all SQL statements except the selected statement.

Parallel Executions

Total number of executions performed by Parallel execution servers.

Parse Calls

Number of parse calls for this child cursor.


PL/SQL execution time.

Rows Processed

Total number of rows the parsed SQL statement returns


Number of sorts that were done for the child cursor

Sorts per Execution

The average number of sorts per a single execution associated with the SQL statement

Total Waits

The total time spent on wait events.

Top SQLs Full Text

This collection retrieves the SQL statement’s full text.


The Top SQLs Full Text collection is an on-demand collection, which retrieves data only upon clicking View full text.

Top SQLs Text

The Top SQLs Text collection retrieves the first n characters of the skoal statement text (the exact number of the characters is defined in the Top SQL Statements pane of the Collection Settings screen).


This collection retrieves SQL text only for new hash values.

Total Archive Storage

The Total Archive Storage collection collects disk space data for critical archive destinations.


Related Documents
Foglight for Oracle (Cartridge) -
Deployment Guide
Release Notes
Third Party Contributions
User Guide
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