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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements

Complex Table

The Complex Table feature provides an option to display a complex table and object's properties (Title, size of the table, size of the column), and disable all the filters at once.

Hover over to view the feature description.

You can configure complex tables at Table Level, View Level, and Column Level.

To configure a complex table at Table level, follow these steps:

  1. Open the browser and login to erwin Evolve Web Platform.

  2. Click a model. For example, EA Foundation – Sample Model.

  3. Click Administration.

  4. Click Complex Table.

  5. Click the Table Level Settings drop-down list box.

    The options for table-level settings appear.

  6. Use the following options:

    Clear Filter At Start
    Switch this option on to clear the filter each time.
    Group Columns
    Switch this option on to group multiple columns. To group columns, drag the column header to the Drag Column Header here to group section.
    Also, you can open and close column groups to show and hide additional columns.
    For example, the following image displays the grouped columns.
    Popout button

    Switch this option on to view the object's properties in the pop-out. To view object properties, click .

    This opens the object's properties in the right pane. For example, the following image displays the Accounting object's properties in the pop-out.

    No. of objects per page
    Use this option to set the number of objects to display per page in the table.
    For example, 2, 4.
    To select the number of objects per page, click the Page Size drop-down list box and select the required number.
    Favorite Button
    Switch this option on to mark the object as a Favorite.
    To mark an object type as Favorite, click .

    You will be notified that the "The page has been set as a favourite and is now available on your home page."

  1. Click to save the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration draft has been saved".

  2. Click to publish the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration published successfully".

To configure a complex table at View level, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Evolve view drop-down list box and select the required view. For example, Organization & Roles (index_organisations).

  2. Click the View Level Settings drop-down and use the following options:


Description automatically generated

    Before enabling Remove Title option, ensure that the Table title is available in the Evolve Designer.

    Remove Title
    Use this option to remove the table title from the table header.
    Table Height (%)
    Use this option to specify table height.
    Remove Options
    Switch this option on to remove the Options column from the table.
  1. Click to save the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration draft has been saved".

  2. Click to publish the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration published successfully".

To configure a complex table at Column level, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Column Level Settings drop-down.

  2. Select the required table to configure. For example, Organization (organisation_grid).

  3. Click the Popout to use drop-down list box and select the required option. For example, organization_diagram_popout.

  4. Click the required column to configure. For example, Name.

  5. Use the following options:

      Use this option to specify the column name.
      Use this option to set the columns order.
      Column Width (px)
      Use this option to specify the column width.
      Freeze Column
      Switch this option on to freeze the Name column.
  1. Click to save the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration draft has been saved".

  2. Click to publish the configuration.

    You will be notified that the "Configuration published successfully".

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