You can create custom tablespaces by modifying the storage-config.xml file, that is located in the config directory of the Management Server installation.
Group A (configuration) tables can only be created using the SQL scripts available in the <foglight_home>/scripts/sql directory. This can be done using the database tool, foglight-database-tool.jar. For complete information, about this tool, see the Foglight Installation and Setup Guide set.
Group B (observation) tables can also be added. Adding them before the server starts for the first time causes them to be created in the custom tablespace. If the default tablespace already contains group B tables at the time storage-config.xml is updated, they remain in that tablespace until the server rolls up or purges the data in those tables.
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Open the storage-config.xml file for editing. |
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If the database user has not been granted a quota on the newly created tablespaces, after creating tablespaces in the storage-config.xml file, the database administrator must edit the scripts/sql/oracle_create_db.sql script and add grants for the custom tablespaces, like the one that grants a quota on the USERS tablespace. |
a |
Run the database tool, foglight-database-tool.jar, to create the group A tables in the specified tablespaces. |
b |
Instruct the server to update the configuration and create the group B tables using the JMX console. In the JMX console, invoke the mergeConfiguration() method on the Storage Manager Service MBean in the JMX console. This only affects the Group B tables that the server creates from that time on. |
Foglight® Management Server accepts the instance-level default for database recovery (regardless of the recovery model of the model database, which is purely a template used to create new databases). There is no harm in changing the recovery model from full to simple, other than point-in-time recoverability is lost. If you require the ability to perform disaster recovery on your Foglight database, you should use the full recovery model and you should make frequent transaction log backups to ensure that it does not grow beyond an undesirable threshold. If you do not require point-in-time recoverability, you can use the simple recovery model, and there will be no additional ramifications.
The Foglight Management Server uses the following configurations for embedded PostgreSQL database.
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shared_buffers = 512MB |
• |
temp_buffers = 32MB |
• |
work_mem = 8MB |
• |
maintenance_work_mem = 128MB |
• |
checkpoint_segments = 64 |
• |
checkpoint_warning = 60s |
• |
checkpoint_timeout = 30min |
For more information about these configurations and how to tune PostgreSQL, refer to Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server and Performance Optimization.
High Foglight® Management Server load may consuming all connections to backend database. This results in any of the following problems:
To resolve this issue, increase available connections to the database.
1 |
Edit the appropriate <FOGLIGHT HOME>/config/datasource/ file. Take SQL Server for example, <FOGLIGHT HOME>/config/datasource/ |
• |
maxTotal: The maximum number of connections that can be kept in the pool. Ensure that maxTotal >= maxIdle. |
• |
maxIdle: The maximum idle connections kept in the pool. |
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Edit the appropriate <FOGLIGHT HOME>/config/datasource/ file. Take SQL Server for example, <FOGLIGHT HOME>/config/datasource/ |
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maxTotal: The maximum number of connections that can be kept in the pool. Ensure that maxTotal >= maxIdle >= minIdle. |
• |
initialSize: The initial number of connections that are created when the pool is started. The initialSize is only used when the pool is created. |
• |
maxIdle: The maximum idle connections kept in the pool. |
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Ensure that your user account has appropriate permissions to access the <FOGLIGHT HOME>\server\default\conf directory (Management Server 5.6.x) or <FOGLIGHT HOME>\server\jobss\conf (Management Server 5.7.1 and higher): |
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Windows®: Log in as an Administrator. |
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• |
• |
• |
• |
Postgres: Postgresql-ds.xml |
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Locate the following line in the file, and then change the value of 20 to 50 or higher. <max-pool-size>${foglight.database.max_pool_size:20}</max-pool-size> |
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(Management Server and higher only) You must remove the foglight.database.max_pool_size entry and just enter the hardcoded value: <max-pool-size>50</max-pool-size> |
1 |
Ensure that your user account has appropriate permissions to access the <FOGLIGHT HOME>\server\default\conf directory: |
• |
Windows®: Log in as an Administrator. |
• |
• |
• |
• |
3 |
Add min-pool-size and max-pool-size elements between password and before prepared-statement-cache-size, as follows: |
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