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Foglight Agent Manager 7.3.0 - Foglight Agent Manager Guide

Configuring the embedded Agent Manager Installing external Agent Managers Configuring the Agent Manager Advanced system configuration and troubleshooting
Configuring Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Configuring Windows Remote Management (WinRM) UNIX- and Linux-specific configuration
Monitoring the Agent Manager performance Deploying the Agent Manager to large-scale environments

How do I upgrade the Agent Manager?

Consult the Foglight Upgrade Guide for detailed upgrade instructions.

How do I uninstall the Agent Manager?

This section topic describes how to completely uninstall the Agent Manager and remove the init.d script used to run the Agent Manager as a daemon or the Foglight® Agent Manager Windows® service.

To remove the init.d script used to run the Agent Manager as a daemon on UNIX®:
IMPORTANT: Stop the Agent Manager using the init.d script, then remove the init.d script before uninstalling the Agent Manager.
Switch to the root user and run the script with the remove option:
The setup script removes the init.d script quest-fglam and all known symlinks to the quest-fglam script. See Installing the Agent Manager using the installer interface for the location from which it is removed.
Delete the installation directory (referred to as <fglam_home> in this chapter section) and any state directories related to this installation.

Where can I find the Agent Manager installation log files?

The Agent Manager saves its log files in the <fglam_home>/state/<state_name>/logs directory.

In addition to the installation log file, Install*.log, that contains messages logged during the installation, the Agent Manager also provides the following log files:

FglAM*.log contains messages logged during run-time.
quest-runner*.log contains messages logged by the external process runner.
quest-watchdog*.log contains information from the Agent Manager self-monitoring watchdog process.
auditor/SecurityAudit*.log contains information about agent activities needed for agent developers and Quest Support.


Are the passwords that are stored in the configuration file, fglam.config.xml, encrypted?

Certain passwords that are specified (or stored) in the Agent Manager configuration file <fglam_home>/state/<state name>/config/fglam.config.xml are automatically encrypted when the Agent Manager restarts.

The passwords that are encrypted are the ones set as arguments for the proxy-pass, key-password, keystore-password, and truststore-password attributes in fglam.config.xml. These passwords are encrypted after you manually edit them in fglam.config.xml and then restart the Agent Manager.

The passwords stored as arguments for the key-password, keystore-password, and truststore-password attributes are also encrypted when you start an Agent Manager concentrator for the first time after configuring it to communicate with downstream instances using HTTPS. See Creating a secure connection with downstream instances for more information about this type of configuration.

In addition, you can specify the password that the Agent Manager uses when connecting to the Management Server using a proxy during or after the installation (using the Agent Manager configuration interface). This password is stored in an encrypted form in fglam.config.xml (as the argument for the proxy-pass attribute) when you start the Agent Manager after installation or restart after using the Agent Manager configuration interface. See Configuring Management Server URLs using the installer interface and Step 10: Change service credentials [Optional] for more information about setting the proxy password through the Agent Manager installer or configuration interface.

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