Microsoft® Windows® |
FglAM-<version>-windows-ia32.exe (emulated) |
After deploying the FglAM-[all|<platform>]-<version>.car file on the Management Server, you can download the appropriate platform-specific installer to the target system from the Components for Download dashboard.
In situations where unauthenticated or headless access to the installers is required, you can download the appropriate platform-specific Agent Manager installer from a separate Components for Download page (after deploying the FglAM‑all‑<version>.car or FglAM‑<platform>‑<version>.car file on the Management Server).
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Navigate to the Components for Download dashboard (Dashboards > Administration > Cartridges > Components for Download). |
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• |
<hostname> is the name of the machine where the Management Server is installed. |
• |
<port> is the HTTP port specified during installation (the default is 8080). |
IMPORTANT: No login is required to access this page. |
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Navigate to the Agent Managers or Agent Status dashboard (Dashboards > Administration > Agents> Agent Managers or Agent Status). |
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• |
<hostname> is the name of the machine where the Management Server is installed |
• |
<port> is the HTTP port specified during installation (the default port is 8080) |
• |
<version> is the version of the Agent Manager |
• |
<platform> is the appropriate Agent Manager installer for your operating system |
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3 |
In some environments, the need for more efficient credentials management may require the use of domain accounts. In these environments, the use of gMSA (Group Managed Service Accounts) may provide additional security and efficiency. Refer to Planning for authentication with gMSA in the Foglight Installation and Setup Guide: Installing on Windows with an External Microsoft SQL Server Database.
NOTE: On UNIX® platforms, if necessary, change the permissions for the installer file so that it is executable (as described in To download and run the Agent Manager installer using the Agent Managers or Agent Status dashboard: ). |
FglAM-<version>-<platform>.exe --no-start-on-exit For more information about these options in the installation interface, see Step 7: Install init.d Script (Unix) and Step 9: Windows Service . |
IMPORTANT: On Windows® 7 and Vista, you must run the installer GUI as an administrator if you want it to automatically install the Agent Manager as a service. To do so, right-click the installer executable and select Run as Administrator. |
The Agent Manager Installation and Configuration window opens, showing the Introduction step.
Read the information in the Introduction step and click Next.
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Read the information in the License Agreement step, enable the check box to accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next. |
• |
In the Choose Install Location step, choose the directory where you want to install the Agent Manager and click Next. |
The Host Display Name step allows you to configure the host name that the Agent Manager uses to identify itself. This is also the name under which the Agent Manager submits metrics to the Management Server.
By default, the Agent Manager uses the host name that is automatically detected for the machine on which it is being installed. This host name initially appears in the Host Display Name box.
There are certain cases in which you should explicitly set the host name in this box: for example, if the host name is already in use by another machine. If necessary, you can replace the host name with a different (non-host name) value that suits the needs of your environment; for example, WebServer (Unix Cluster 1) or (Databases).
The Server URLs step provides multiple ways to configure the connection between the Agent Manager and the Management Server. For example, you can specify the URL of a single Management Server to which you want the Agent Manager to connect, or configure multiple Management Server URLs for failover purposes. You can also specify the URL of an Agent Manager concentrator to which you want the Agent Manager to connect.
NOTE: You can also configure Management Server URLs at a later time using the Agent Manager configuration interface. See Configuring the Agent Manager for information about launching this interface post-installation. |
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By default, the Agent Manager uses secure connections (HTTPS) with the Management Server. If you need to use an unsecure connection, click Allow Unsecured Connections to enable this option. |
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a |
In the Edit Server URL dialog box that appears, specify the host name and port number that you want the Agent Manager to use when connecting to the Management Server. |
TIP: You can also configure other Agent Manager connection options in this dialog. See Configuring Management Server URLs using the installer interface for information about these options. |
b |
To use an unsecure connection with the Management Server, clear the Connect Using HTTPS check box. |
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Test the connection between the Agent Manager and the Management Server. Select a URL in the list and click Test. An icon on the left of each URL indicates if the URL is tested and the outcome of the connection test: |
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To add SSL certificates, click SSL Certificates. |
a |
Click Add. |
c |
In the SSL Certificate Alias dialog box, type a name (alias) to identify the certificate you are adding, and click OK. |
d |
e |
When done, click OK. |
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Click Next. |
7 |
If you are installing the Agent Manager on Windows®, proceed to Step 9: Windows Service. Otherwise, continue with Step 6: Configure Secure Launcher and then Step 7: Install init.d Script . |
UNIX® platforms only.
The Configure Secure Launcher step allows you to configure the external loader used by the Agent Manager to provide certain Foglight agents with permissions required to gather system-level metrics. See Configuring Agent Manager agent privileges for more information.
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In the Configure Secure Launcher step, complete one of the following steps: |
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Edit the path to point to a different sudo executable. |
• |
Edit the path to point to the executable for a sudo-like application. |
The UNIX init.d Script step allows you to configure the Agent Manager to run as a daemon. You do that by instructing the installer to installing an init.d-style script called quest-fglam in the init.d directory on your system. See Locating the init.d script for the location of this directory on your operating system.
The system calls the quest-fglam script when the host on which the Agent Manager is installed starts up or shuts down.
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In the UNIX init.d Script step, complete one of the following steps: |
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If you want to use the default configuration options, ensure the Would you like to customize the start-up script check box is cleared, and click Next. Then, continue to Step 8: Downstream Connection Configuration. |
• |
To apply customized configuration options, click the Would you like to customize the start-up script check box, and proceed to Step 2. |
• |
To install the script, select the Yes, install init.d scripts check box. |
• |
If you do not want to install the scripts, ensure that the Yes, install init.d scripts check box is clear (the default setting). |
NOTE: Even if you choose not to install the init.d script, or if you are not performing the installation as the root user, two scripts to perform the necessary setup are generated for later use. See Configuring the Agent Manager to run as a daemon for more information.
If you are not installing the init.d script at this time, it is recommended to configure as many options as possible in this step. They are referenced when generating these scripts for a later use. |
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Linux only. If the correct operating system is not auto-detected by the installer, from the Select OS Type menu, select your OS. |
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In the Run as user box, type the name of the user account used to run the Agent Manager. |
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If you want the Agent Manager to start immediately after the installation, ensure that Start Foglight Agent Manager at the end of the installation is selected. |
NOTE: If the installer is started on the command line with the --no-start-on-exit option, this check box does not appear selected in the Install init.d Script step. Starting the installer without the --no-start-on-exit option causes the Start Foglight Agent Manager at the end of the installation check box to be selected by default. For more information, see Installing the Agent Manager using the installer interface. |
7 |
Click Next. |
Using this installer step, you can configure:
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Downstream non-SSL connections, but only if you started the installer on the command line with the --allow-unsecured option (as instructed in Installing the Agent Manager using the installer interface ). |
User-provided certificates or keystores are supported, but can be configured after the installation.
If you are configuring the Agent Manager as a concentrator in order to enable connections from the Management Server, additional setup is required. For more information about this procedure, or to find out to configure non-SSL connections and user-provided certificates, see Configuring the Agent Manager to accept connections from the Management Server .
1 |
If you want to enable downstream connections, in the Downstream Connection Configuration step, select the Enable concentrator/downstream connection support check box. |
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Drag the Pre-Configured Size slider to set the desired queue and memory sizes. |
3 |
In the Port box, type the port number that you want the Agent Manager to use to listen for downstream connections. |
4 |
In the Certificate Host Name box, type the name of the host on which you are installing the Agent Manager. The host name you specify here is added to the SSL certificate that is to be generated. |
5 |
In the New Certificate Password and Re-enter Password boxes, type the password of the SSL certificate keystore. |
6 |
Click Add. |
8 |
Click Next. |
9 |
If you are installing the Agent Manager on Windows, proceed to Step 9: Windows Service . Otherwise, continue with Step 7: Secure Launcher and Step 8: Install init.d Script. |
Windows® platforms only.
The Windows Service step allows you to specify if you want to install the Agent Manager as a Windows service. A Windows service operates in the background while the system on which it is installed is running. Installing the Agent Manager as a Windows Service causes the Agent Manager to start automatically on your system startup.
1 |
In the Windows Service step, complete one of the following steps: |
2 |
If you want install the Agent Manager as a Windows service, and you want that service to start immediately after the installation, ensure that Start Foglight Agent Manager Windows Service at the end of the installation is selected. |
NOTE: If the installer is started on the command line with the --no-start-on-exit option, this check box does not appear selected in the Windows Service step. Starting the installer without the --no-start-on-exit option causes the Start Foglight Agent Manager Windows Service at the end of the installation check box to be selected by default. For more information, see Installing the Agent Manager using the installer interface. |
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Click Next. |
The Summary step informs you that you can complete installation.
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In the Summary step, click Finish. |
As described in Step 5: Server URLs of Configuring Management Server URLs using the installer interface, you can configure the Agent Manager connection parameters using the installer interface.
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Click Add to create a new Management Server URL. |
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Allow self-signed certificates: Select to enable the Agent Manager to accept self-signed certificates from the Management Server. |
• |
Allow a certificate with an unexpected common name: Select to enable the Agent Manger to accept a certificate with a common name (host name) different than the one reported by the Management Server. Specify the name in the Certificate Common Name box. |
You can specify whether the Agent Manager should connect to the Management Server using a proxy.
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Proxy URL: Type the URL of the proxy used to connect to the Management Server. |
• |
Username: Type the user name needed to access the proxy. |
• |
Password: Type the password associated with the user name. The password is saved encrypted in the Agent Manager configuration file (<fglam_home>/state/<state name>/config/fglam.config.xml) the next time you start or restart the Agent Manager. |
• |
NTLM Domain: If the proxy uses Windows authentication, specify the Windows domain. |
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3 |
In the Local Address box, type the IP address of a NIC (network interface card) on the machine hosting the Agent Manager that you want to use to establish outbound connections to the Management Server. |
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In the Edit Server URL dialog box that appears, the Use GZIP compression check box is selected by default. This causes HTTP-compressed communication between the Agent Manager and the Management Server, for both requests and responses. |
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