Managing Active Directory Health Analyzer alerts
If you know about an upcoming maintenance to the system or some other event that may cause a lot of unnecessary alerts, you can mute the collection of alerts. During the mute period, no alerts are collected into the Active Administrator® database and no alert notifications are sent. If you forget to remove the mute, the mute is cleared automatically after one hour.
NOTE: If you have a license for the Active Directory Health module, you can forward the Active Directory Health alerts generated by Active Directory Health Analyzer agents to Microsoft® System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) and SNMP managers. These alerts will appear in the Quest Alert Events view, under the Quest Active Administrator folder in the Operations Manager Monitoring pane and in the SNMP Manager. See Connecting to System Center Operations Manager and Enabling SNMP Notifications and Pushing alerts to System Center Operations Manager and SNMP managers.
Setting alerts
You can enable, disable, and edit alerts for a selected monitored domain controller, domain, forest, or site, or for all monitored domain controllers, domains, forests or sites. To see a list of the alerts that you can manage and the corresponding data collector that captures the data for the alert, see the Alerts Appendix.
You also can attach a remediation action to an alert. Remediations are actions that run when an alert reaches its critical threshold. There are several built-in remediation actions that you can choose or you can create custom remediations. All remediations are stored in the Remediation Library. See Managing the Remediation Library.
To set alerts
1 Select Active Directory Health | Agents.
2 Open the Monitored Domain Controllers tab, if necessary.
4 Click Alerts.
▪ To filter the list, start typing in the Filter alerts box. The list filters as you type.
8 To attach a remediation, open the Remediation tab.
a Click Add.
d Click OK.To apply the changes only to the selected object, click Apply.
To apply the changes to all objects, click Apply to All.
10 Click Yes to confirm.A lightning bolt indicates that a remediation is attached to the alert.
11 Optionally, click Save as Template to save all of the alert settings and data collector settings for this domain controller, domain, forest, or site as a template that can be applied to other Active Directory objects. For more information, see Active Directory Health Templates.
Purging and archiving alert history
You can choose to purge and/or archive the alerts added to the Active Administrator® database by Active Directory Health. If you choose to purge, records are removed from the database. If you choose to archive, the alerts are also added to the Active Administrator archive database.
To purge and archive Active Directory Health Analyzer alert history
1 Select Active Directory Health | Agents.
2 Open the Monitored Domain Controllers tab, if necessary.
3 Select any domain controller, and select Settings | Purging and Archiving.
a Click Schedule.
c Click OK.
a Click Run Now.
d Click OK.
7 Click OK.
Viewing alerts and alert history
The Active Directory Health Analyzer Alerts page is divided into two areas. The top pane displays current alerts and the bottom pane displays alert history.
To view alerts and alert history
1 Select Active Directory Health | Alerts.The Current Alerts area displays the current alerts for the monitored domain controllers and domains with the total number of alters indicated next to the Alerts Count in the header. By default, the list of active alerts automatically refreshes every 30 seconds. A lightning bolt indicates a remediation is attached to the alert.
▪ To disable automatic refresh, clear the Auto refresh active alerts check box.The Alert History area displays the 50 newest current and cleared alerts, filtered by date range for the previous day.
▪ By default, the Alert History displays alerts from the Live Active Administrator database. To view alerts from the Active Administrator® archive database, choose the source of the Alert History.
▪ To load another 50 alerts, click Load 50 More.
Table 50. Alert details menu options
Use the shortcut links to manage the list of historical alerts.
Table 53. Alerts shortcut links options
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