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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements

Working with Pie Charts based on Lookup Values

Pie Chart based on Lookup Values gives you a percentage view of the number of objects of a specified Object Type that are set to the different values for a specified Lookup (drop-down) property, such as Category.

It creates the same pie chart as the one displayed on the optional Overview Chart created by the Tabs based on Lookup Values behavior.

To create an Index Page using Pie Chart based on Lookup Values:

  1. Create a new Index Page

  2. Right-click the Layout node and choose Switch Layout > CW > Empty

  3. On the Object Type node, ensure you select 'Category' in the Selected Properties area

  4. Right-click the Layout Empty node and choose Add Behaviors > Pie Charts > Pie Chart (On Lookup Value)

Pie Chart (On Lookup Value) node is added below the Layout node.

  1. Select the Pie Chart (On Lookup Values) node and enter the Scriptname of the drop-down property you want to refer to in the Group By field

You can find the Scriptname in Model Explorer's Design View. The Scriptname for the default Category drop-downs on objects is always 'type'. Scriptnames must always be entered in lower case.

  1. Save your Site.


Description automatically generated

Remember to add a Menu item for your new page.

Related Documents
erwin Evolve - 2023.1.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
System Requirements
User Guide
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