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Coexistence Manager for Notes 3.9.2 - FBC Scenarios Guide

About the CMN Documentation Introduction On-premises Exchange or hybrid O365 using shared (single) namespace On-premises Exchange or hybrid O365 using separate namespaces Non-hybrid O365 using shared (single) namespace Non-hybrid O365 using separate namespaces Appendix: FBC Planning Worksheet Appendix: Troubleshooting the FBC

Step 2: Configure the Notes/Domino side

A particular configuration of the Notes/Domino environment works best in most environments for compatibility with CMN's Free/Busy Connector. This section explains how to achieve the recommended configuration.

To configure the Notes/Domino side:

CMN supports Domino server clusters (ClusterNode1 and ClusterNode2) that provide Lotus Notes mail service in an active/standby redundancy configuration. In this case, a single CMN Web Server is required to support both Domino Servers.

Some Domino configuration steps are required for this scenario, but they occur only after the CMN FBC Web Server is configured (in Step 4 below). Complete the steps here to configure the rest of the Notes/Domino side, and then you will configure support for Domino clusters later in Step 4.

2-1: Physically install the CMN QCalCon task

CMN’s QCalCon is a Domino server task that facilitates communications between the Domino and Exchange servers, for transmitting Domino F/B queries to Exchange, and receiving F/B information from Exchange.

Run the CMN Autorun installer to install QCalCon to the Domino server. AutoRun offers the choice of a 32-bit or 64-bit edition of QCalCon. Choose the edition that matches the local Domino software edition (32- vs. 64-bit). (The host computer’s operating system is irrelevant to this choice.)

The AutoRun installer automatically checks the environment to verify CMN prerequisites, but you can bypass the prerequisites check by running the installer from the command line and appending ignoreprerequisites=1 to the command before executing.

In a Domino environment containing more than one Domino server, QCalCon is typically installed on only one “bridgehead” server. A Domino admin then configures the non-QCalCon servers to route their local users’ F/B queries to the QCalCon bridgehead server.

NOTE: Some admins with multiple Domino 6.5.x servers (only) report that non-bridgehead Domino 6.5.x servers are unable to route F/B queries to a QCalCon bridgehead server. IBM (in this article) says only: "Domino [6.5.x or earlier] does not support this type of configuration for free time lookup." Despite the IBM disclaimer, CMN's Free/Busy Connector does work in many such environments if its QCalCon server task is installed on all Domino 6.5.x servers.

2-2: Configure Domino Person documents

IMPORTANT: CMN’s F/B Connector requires that each user’s SMTP forwarding address appear in the Domino User name field, although it can appear in any position within that field (first, middle or last).

For each user, begin with the semi-standard settings, including the calendar domain on the Miscellaneous tab. Then:

Set the Mail system to Notes, so the Mail server field can be populated with a server that is valid in the environment. (There is no need to specify a Mail file; only the Mail server must be modified.)
Save & Close the contact.
Reopen the contact, and change the Mail system back to Other Internet Mail. (This will hide the Mail server field, but the field is still populated even though it does not appear—necessary only when creating contacts manually.)
Save & Close the contact.

2-3: Add the domain documents

You will need a foreign domain with a name that matches the name in the Calendar system field.

Add a Notes foreign domain document. The Mail Information and Calendar Information tabs should have the gateway and calendar server name pointing to the location of the QCalCon server, using the Notes qualified server name. (QCalCon should already be installed and configured according to the CMN User Guide instructions.) The Gateway mail file name (on the Mail Info tab) and Calendar system (Calendar Info tab) must both be set to In environments that use multiple files, the name should match one of those files (typically,, etc.).

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Coexistence Manager for Notes - 3.9.2
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