The Administration Menu includes the options described in the table below. In addition, the Administration menu includes a status banner that indicates the status of the QoreStor service:

  • Blue: Operational Mode
  • Red: Manual Intervention
  • Yellow: Maintenance Mode
Table 6: Operation menu options
Menu item Available configurations

Network Config

Allows you to edit the network configuration.

Set Hostname

Allows you to change the hostname configuration.

QoreStor services

Provides options to check, stop, start, and restart QoreStor services.

QoreStor Update

Provides options to check for available QoreStor updates, download the Qorestor update package, and update QoreStor if the package is valid.

QoreStor Maintenance Provides access to QoreStor filesystem maintenance utilities and diagnostic management. Refer to QoreStor Maintenance for more information.

QoreStor Advanced Features

Provides options to tune system performance:

  • Replication Tuning - allows you to configure the number of concurrent replication streams. Default value is 1.
  • Buffers TCP Tuning - allows you to change the system buffer configuration up to 1.5 GB.
  • ActiveDS tuning - allows you to enable or disable ActiveDS on the metadata location.
  • O3E IO Thread tuning - Enables IO thread tuning. This requires a restart of the QoreStor services.
  • SMB Offload Copy - Enables SMB Server Offload Copy support, used for Rapid CIFS-based Veeam Fast Clone backups. Enabling this option requires a restart of QoreStor services.

Troubleshooting tools

Provides tools to troubleshoot your QoreStor machine. Consult the documentation for each utility for more information.

  • EPEL Repository - Enables or disables the Oracle EPEL repository.
  • top - allows you to monitor processes and system resource usage.
  • atop - allows you to monitor processes and system resource usage. You will be prompted to install atop on first use.
  • htop - - allows you to monitor processes and system resource usage. You will be prompted to install htop on first use.
  • iotop - allows you to view I/O usage.
  • iftop - allows you to view bandwidth usage. You will be prompted to install iftop on first use.
  • nmon - allows you to monitor processes and system resource usage. You will be prompted to install nmon on first use.
  • glances - - allows you to monitor processes and system resource usage. You will be prompted to install glances on first use.
  • tree - provides a recursive directory listing with a depth-indented listing of files. You will be prompted to install tree on first use.

NOTE: To return to the Troubleshooting tools menu from the selected monitoring tool, press q to quit.

Operating System

Provides options to update, restart, and shutdown the operating system..


Provides options to select from a list of terminal emulators. Options are:

  • XTERM-256
  • ANSI
  • VT220
  • VT110

Color theme

Provides options to change the color theme settings.

Locale Provides the option to select the locale for QoreStor. Currently, the only option is US English.
Proxy Settings

Provides the option to enable proxy settings.

NOTE: Editing or disabling proxy settings requires QoreStor services to be restarted.

License Provides a way to install license files.