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ControlPoint 8.6 - Administration Guide

Preface Configuring the Environment in Which ControlPoint Will Run The ControlPoint Configuration Site Managing Your Farm List Managing Your ControlPoint License Granting ControlPoint Access to Web Applications and Content Databases Configuring ControlPoint Services Using Discovery to Collect Information for the ControlPoint Database Cache Using Sensitive Content Manager Services Setting Sensitive Content Manager EndPoints and Managing Scanning Preferences Managing ControlPoint Configuration and Permissions Modifying ControlPoint Configuration Settings
Changing Default Settings for Actions and Analyses
Supress "Item is inherited - no processing done" Message(SkipNotDoneMsg) Maximum Line Items in Real-time (REPCAP) "Use Cached Data" Default Value (CACHEDREP) Abort Report Processing on Error (ABORTREPORTONERROR) Display "Include users with AD group membership" Parameter (SHOWADGROUPS) Copy/Move Default Temporary Location (TEMPLOCATION) Time to Retain Page Data in Cache (CACHEREPORT4) Time to Retain Temporary UI Objects in Cache (UICACHEDURATION) Number of Reports to Keep in Memory After Drill-Down (RVSESSIONSKEPT) Exclude Web Application(s) from Statistics List (DASHBOARDWAPEXCLUDE) Number of List Items to Display in Selection Grid (DISPLAYSINGLELISTITEMS) Use Activity Min. Date as Start Date (UseActivityDbDate) "Show unique permissions only" Default Value (SHOWUNIQUEPERMONLY) Duplicate Files Report Limit (DuplicateFilesReportLimit) Users to Exclude from Reports (EXCLUDEDUSERS) Eliminate Claims Prefix from Username in Reports (UseCleanedLoginNameInReports) Maximum Number of Orphaned Users to Delete Per Scheduled Batch (OrphanDeleteBatchSize) CSV Delimiter Character (CSVDELIMETER) Largest Active Directory Group to Expand in Reports (MAXMEMBERS) Maximum Number of Users to Act On (MAXUSERSFORACTION) Hide the "Set User Direct Permissions" Action in Permissions Management (PREVENTUSERPERMS) Prevent Set Site Collection Quotas (PreventSetSCQuota) Show Nested Active Directory Groups (PROCESSADHIERARCHY) Hide Interactive Analysis Link (RESTRICTSL) Use Minimum Activity Date as Start Date (USEACTIVITYDBDATES)
Changing Default Settings to Improve Application Performance Audit Log Configuration Settings Changing Settings for Anomalous Activity Detection Restricting Functionality for Members of the Business Administrators Group Changing Default Settings for ControlPoint User Groups Changing Settings to Improve Discovery Performance Changing Settings to Accommodate Special Environmental Factors Changing Default Settings for Navigation Managing Site Provisioning Settings Specifying Global Settings for ControlPoint Policies Setting Preferences for the ControlPoint Scheduler Miscellaneous and Custom Configuration Settings Special-Purpose Configuration Settings
Changing Trace Switch Logging Levels Archiving SharePoint Audit Log Data Troubleshooting
ControlPoint Log Files Troubleshooting Configuration Errors Troubleshooting the ControlPoint Application Interface Troubleshooting Discovery Troubleshooting SharePoint Users and Permissions Troubleshooting Site Provisioning Troubleshooting ControlPoint Operations

Preload All Site Collections in Server-side Cache (PRELOADSITECACHE)

By default, whenever you expand a Web application in the SharePoint Hierarchy,  site collections are loaded—and any folders within which site collections are grouped are built—in real time.  For Web applications that contain an excessively large number of site collections (such as thousands of MySites), the time it takes to expand a Web application may be prohibitively long.  

ControlPoint Application Administrators can configure ControlPoint to load site collections and folders from a server-side memory cache—so that the contents of Web applications can be displayed immediately—by changing the Value for the ControlPoint Setting Preload All Site Collections in Server-side Cache from false to true.


This server-side cache is updated on the first request to ControlPoint after its application pool is recycled.  If IIS is configured for a nightly recycle, the restart would occur shortly thereafter.  Normally the first request is from the ControlPoint Scheduled Job Review task.  The server-side cache can also be refreshed on an as-needed basis from the Manage ControlPoint panel.

NOTE:  The child objects within a site collection are not affected by this setting and will always load in real-time.  

Whenever the Preload All Site Collections in Server-side Cache Value is changed, the application pool must be recycled for the change to take effect.


Show SharePoint Groups with No Permissions in Hierarchy (ShowNoPermSPGroup)

By default, SharePoint groups display in the SharePoint Hierarchy and group pickers only if they have an associated permissions level.  This prevents the navigation tree from being cluttered with groups that do not have an associated permissions level, and therefore are not being actively used in SharePoint.  

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, choose to display groups without permissions in the ControlPoint application interface by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting ShowNoPermSPGroup from the default (false) to either:

·True (to have groups without permissions display in both the SharePoint Hierarchy and group pickers)


·False (to have groups without permissions display in group pickers but not in the SharePoint Hierarchy).

For example, you may choose not to clutter the SharePoint Hierarchy with groups that have no permissions, yet you may want to have them available to choose from when performing a ControlPoint action such as Set SharePoint Group Permissions.

Config Setting ShowNoPermSPGroups


Display url or Site Name in SharePoint Hierarchy (SHOWURLASTITLE)

By default, SharePoint site collections and sites are identified by Title in the SharePoint Hierarchy, Search Hierarchy, and other areas of the application that include a browse tree (such as Change Selection and Copy/Move destination selection).

Farm Hierarchy Show Title

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, choose to display site collections and sites by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Display url or Site Name in SharePoint Hierarchy to one of the options below.

If you want to have...

Then change the Value for SHOWURLASTITLE to ...

both site collections and sites identified by url


Show Site Collection and Site Title

·site collections identified by url


·sites identified by name


Show Site Title

Show Site Collection URL

Regardless of the setting, the alternate way of displaying the title—along with the object's GUID—can be viewed as a tool tip when the cursor is placed over the object icon.


Maximum Number of Users to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy (SPUSERCAP)

By default, up to 45 SharePoint Users can display beneath a site in the SharePoint Hierarchy

(Note that the Users folder contains only SharePoint users who have been granted direct permissions for a site.)

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, modify this number by changing the Maximum Number of Users to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy Value.

Config Setting SPUSERCAP

If the number of SharePoint users is greater than the specified parameter value, the list will be truncated.  For example, if you set the Maximum Number of Users to Display in SharePoint Hierarchy Value to 10, and 12 users have direct permissions to a site, the first 10 users (in alphabetical order) will display in the Users folder.  (Remember, however, that the total number of users with direct permissions for the site displays in parentheses to the right of the user folder.


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