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Spotlight on DB2 6.10 - Getting Started Guide

Database or database partition home page alarms

The following is a list of predefined alarms for database or database partition home page. To the right of each alarm name is the home page component and metric for which the alarm thresholds are defined. If necessary, you can use the Metric Editor to adjust the thresholds that correspond to these alarms to reflect your DB2 database or database partition environment.


Home Page Panel


Buffer Pool Overall Hit Rate alarm

Buffer Pool

Overall Hit Rate

Buffer Pool Index Hit Rate alarm

Buffer Pool

Index Hit Rate

Package Cache Hit Rate alarm

Buffer Pool

Package Cache Hit Rate

Package Cache Overflows alarm

Buffer Pool

Package Cache Hit Rate

Catalog Cache Hit Rate alarm

Buffer Pool

Catalog Cache Hit Rate

Catalog Cache Overflows alarm

Buffer Pool

Catalog Cache Hit Rate

Lock List Utilization alarm

Buffer Pool

Lock List Utilization

Percent of Sort Heap Threshold alarm

Buffer Pool

Pct of Thresholds

Sort Overflows alarm

Buffer Pool


DMS Container Percentage alarm


DMS graph

DMS Utilization alarm


DMS Utilization

SMS Container Percentage alarm


SMS graph

SMS Utilization alarm


SMS Utilization

Log Container Percentage alarm

Active Log

Active Log graph

Log Utilization alarm

Active Log

Active Log Utilization

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