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LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.9.5 - Security and Compliance Guide

About Partial Backups

LiteSpeed supports partial backups and restores for filegroups.

Partial backups

LiteSpeed can backup partial databases. Partial database backups contain only data from some filegroups in a database. Partial backup data includes that from primary filegroups, read and write filegroups, and other specified read-only files. Partial backups are different from full backups in that full backups contains all the data in a specific database or set of filegroups or files, and enough available transaction log information for recovering that data. Partial backups are run using the CLI with backup commands. Refer to for partial backup example syntax.

Restore partial backups

LiteSpeed can restore partially backed up databases. Piecemeal database restore sequences can restore databases in stages at the filegroup level. Restores begin with primary files, all read and write files, and then secondary filegroups. Piecemeal restores are run using the CLI with restore commands. Refer to xp_restore_database for restore partial backups example syntax.

Restore partial backups with fast compression

LiteSpeed can restore partially backed up databases that have been run with fast compression enabled. This restore is similar to restore partial backups except that it performs a restore where the partial backup was run with the Fast Compression technology enabled. Piecemeal restores with fast compression are run using the CLI with fast compression restore commands. Refer to xp_slsFastCompression for restore partial backups with fast compression example syntax.


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