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Migration Manager for AD 8.15 - Resource Processing Guide

Introduction to Resource Update Distributed Updates in Resource Updating Manager Common Resource Update Workflows Active Directory Processing Exchange Server Processing SMS Processing SQL Server Processing Cluster Server Migration Command-Line Resource Update SharePoint Processing

Step 8. Complete the Exchange Processing Wizard

In this step, the wizard displays all the settings you made in the previous steps. You can print these settings for later review by clicking the Print button and then selecting the printer. You can also save the settings in a text file by clicking the Save As button and specifying the filename.

Click Finish to complete the Exchange Processing Wizard. The new Exchange processing task will appear under the Tasks container in the Migration Project tree.

Running Exchange Update

To start an Exchange processing task from Migration Manager, select the task in the project tree, right-click the task, and select the Start command from the shortcut menu.

To view the task execution progress, select the task object in the project tree and switch to the Information tab in the right-hand pane.

Stopping a Task

If for some reason you want to interrupt Exchange processing, right-click the task and select the Stop command on the shortcut menu.

NOTE: If an object was moved during Exchange server processing or after it was selected in the Select Objects to Process window in the Exchange Processing Wizard, it may not be processed.

If you stop processing by selecting the Stop command, or the task execution is stopped due to an error, the task acts as follows:

  • If you stop the task during permissions update, further re-permissioning will be stopped. Objects already processed by that moment will have new (target) permissions. Objects not yet processed will keep old permissions. If you want to completely restore the Exchange directory state, run the wizard with the Revert to the original object ownership and permissions option.
  • If you stop the task while reverting changes, further re-permissioning will be stopped. Objects already processed by that moment will have source permissions. Objects not yet processed will keep target permissions. If you want to restore the Exchange directory state, run the wizard with the Reassign object ownership and permissions to target users option.
  • If you stop the task during cleanup of permissions, further processing will be stopped. Permissions of the objects already processed by that moment will be cleaned up. Objects not yet processed will be left intact.

NOTE: When processing public folders that are replicated on several servers using Exchange Processing Wizard, do not process another server until replication is finished (by default, replication occurs every 15 minutes). Otherwise, replication conflicts can arise.

Log File

The Exchange Processing Wizard log is stored in the following locations:

  • If the wizard runs in console integration or delegation mode, the %temp% folder; the log file name is E2KPW.log
  • If the wizard runs in standalone mode, the %Program Files%\Common Files\Aelita Shared\Migration Tools folder; the log file name is e2k<some_number>.tmp
Reconfiguring a Task

To reconfigure the task, right-click the task object and select Properties. The Exchange Processing Wizard will start and let you specify different options for the task. Refer to the descriptions of the steps above for more information on the available options.

SMS Processing

SMS Processing Wizard is a tool for updating Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 permissions for the selected objects to reflect the domain migration changes after a domain reconfiguration with Migration Wizard.

Caution: For a successful SMS update, you need local Administrator permissions on the SMS server you are going to process and the SQL server hosting SMS Server database.

Starting SMS Update

You can perform SMS update in several ways. Select the one that best suits your situation.

  • Create an SMS processing task and run it from Migration Manager. To create an SMS processing task, go to the Resource Processing | Tasks node and click the SMS Processing button in the right pane.
  • Create an SMS processing task and then create a setup package for the task, delegate rights to perform this task to another person, and send the package to that person. The delegated administrator then will install the package and perform the SMS processing as specified in the task configuration. Refer to the Delegating Resource Update section for more details.
  • Export the INI file with the appropriate settings for SMS processing, and then create and configure an SMS processing task to run in stand-alone mode using this INI file. Refer to the Delegating Resource Update topic for more details.

Regardless of the method you select, the SMS Processing Wizard will guide you through the update process, as follows:

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