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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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PL/SQL Execution Console

From the Execution Console you can select an entry point (for packages), enter the parameter input values, and choose various run options, such as profiling and directing the results to DBMS_OUTPUT.

The Execution Console helps you set various parameters for wrapping an anonymous block around a stored program so that you can execute it. If you generate an anonymous block, the Console assigns a file name to your block in the form: <Schema name>.<procedure name>.STB. If the anonymous block is for a packaged procedure, then the assigned name has an additional component—the entry point.

Note: If an error occurs when trying to run a generated code block (for example, due to a syntax error), the text is opened in the Output Window.

Run Time Parameters

Option Description
Parameter Name and type of each input parameter.


Define input values for each parameter.

Field Description
Def Select to use the default input value.
Null Select to use a Null input value.
Exp Select to use a PL/SQL Expression.
Value/Expression When Exp is selected, enter a value or expression in the Value/Expression column.
Load/Save Click to load the input parameter values from an external file.
Save Click to save the input parameter values to an external file.
Reset Click to Reset changes to the parameter values.


Run Options

Command Description

Auto-create test case after code execution

When selected a test case is automatically created (when you click Execute) based on the parameter values (both input and output) currently displayed in the grid.

For more information, see Code Test.

Use Profiler

Select to use the PL/SQL Profiler.

Analyze the execution time and efficiency of your stored programs.

Click (...) to open the Profiler Options dialog.

Option Description
Collect Session Statistics when Creating the Profiling Run Select to store session statistics in a table.

Before Creating the Profiling Run …

Select when measuring performance and tuning.

Re-initialize the execution environment after a previous run, giving you a better basis for comparison between one run and another.

For more information, see PL/SQL Profiler.

Direct results to Output

Select Generate a DBMS_OUTPUT PUT statement for each OUT parameter.
Clear Generate a Bind variable for each OUT parameter. This is useful when you want to view complex data returned by the procedure, such as REF cursors and LOBs.

For more information, see DBMS_OUTPUT.

Include exception block

Select to populate the Exception block when the Stub tab is generated.

TIP: Click Preview to generate the Stub tab.

Commit changes after code execution

Once the procedure has finished executing, do you want to COMMIT / ROLLBACK changes made by the procedure?


Show the code to be executed.

Note: This generates the Stub tab. For more information, see PL/SQL Stub. Toggle between the Code / Run / Stub tabs at the bottom of the screen.


Execute the PL/SQL code.

If Use Profiler is selected, opens PL/SQL Profiler.


Code Test

The Code Test panel automates the process of testing PL/SQL programs. See also the module: Code Test.

Command Description
Test Case Select the test case to work on.
In/Out Display the in/out parameters and associated values for the selected test case.
New Create a test case. Open Test Case Properties
Edit Edit the selected test case. Open Test Case Properties
Delete Delete the selected test case.
Test > Param Upload the selected test case into the parameters.
Param > Test Update the selected test case with the current parameters.
Manage Clone and edit existing test cases, create new test cases and run multiple test cases at once. Open Code Test
Run Test Run the selected test case. The result of the test is displayed in the Test case status pane.
Run All Tests Run all code tests available for the current object.


Instead of using the Execution Console, you can generate and preview a PL/SQL block to execute a stored program.


To generate a stub

From the PL/SQL Execution Console

  1. Enter the run time parameters.
  2. Select Include exception block to populate the exception block when the stub is generated.
  3. Click Preview.

Note: Different stubs are generated depending on the selected options.


The DBMS_OUTPUT package is a standard package provided by Oracle specifically for the purpose of debugging stored programs.

Feature Description

Insert a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE statement in the code

Edit Menu | Insert | DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('')

Create a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE statement for the selected variable in the editor.

In the Code Editor

  1. Place the cursor on the variable.
  2. Click Edit |Insert | Debug Variable. The debug statement is generated and copied to the clipboard.
  3. Place the curser where you would like to insert the debug statement in your code. Click Edit | Paste.

Capture output from DBMS_OUTPUT

The SQL Navigator Output Window captures output from DBMS_OUTPUT.


Note: The SYS schema owns this package. To view the procedure and parameter definitions of this package you can display it in the Code editor.

Code Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Right Click Over The Editing Pane

Icon Right Click Keyboard Shortcut Description
Cut CTRL+X Remove the selected text from the editing pane. Place on the Clipboard ready to Paste elsewhere.
Copy CTRL+C Alternative shortcut: CTRL+Insert
Paste CTRL+V Alternative shortcut: SHIFT+Insert
Nil Select All CTRL+A Select all the text in the editing pane. This is usually followed by Cut or Copy.

Auto Code Completion


Turn on/off Auto Code Completion. (Auto Code Completion)

Use SHIFT+Spacebar to force code completion.

Go to Definition


Open the selected object in an appropriate editor: Visual Object Editors.

Errors are sent to the Output Window.

Describe Object at Cursor


Open Describe.

As per Object | Describe.


Toolbox | Next Page


Scroll through the pages of the Code Editor toolbox.

Nil Toolbox | Previous Page CTRL+ALT+P
File | New SQL Tab CTRL+T Open a new tab for a SQL script in the Code Editor.
File | Open File CTRL+O Open a file from Windows Explorer.

File | Save to File


Save the file.

This option is enabled once the file has a name. For an Untitlted tab, save the file using File | Save to File As first.

Object | New Stored Object CTRL+N Create a stored object.
Object | Open/Create Package Body ALT+N Create a body for an existing package or (object) type
Object | Execute F9 Opens PL/SQL Execution Console.
Object | Generate Execution Stub SHIFT+F9 Generate PL/SQL Stub.
Object | Save to Database CTRL+S Save the object to the database.
Edit | Duplicate Line ALT+Y  
Edit | Format Text CTRL+R As per Tools Menu | Formatter Tools | Format Code
Edit | Comment Selection ALT+F7 Enclose the selected text in comments.
Edit | Uncomment Selection CTRL+ALT+F7 Remove comment markers from the selected text.
Edit | Jump to Matching Bracket CTRL+] Jump to matching Bracket.
Bookmarks | Toggle Bookmark Ctrl+Shift+0...Ctrl+Shift+9 Set a bookmark. The gutter margin in the Code Editor marks the bookmark.

Bookmarks | Go To Bookmark


Go to the set bookmark.

See also Edit | List Bookmarks ALT+B.

Split/Compare | Vertical Split


Adjust the layout of the editing pane.

Select from the options to split the editing pane in half either horizontally or vertically. The content of the editing pane will be visible in both panes. You can scroll the panes independent of each other.

Split/Compare | Horizontal Split SHIFT+F11
Split/Compare | No Split SHIFT+CTRL+F11

Execute | Skip to Top


Execute SQL statement in Code Editor.

As per Code Editor SQL

Execute | Skip to Previous SHIFT+F8
Execute | Execute to End F9
Execute | Execute Step F8
Execute | Skip to Next F10
Execute | Skip to Bottom F11

PL/SQL Debugger Keyboard Shortcuts

For more information, see PL/SQL Debugger.

Icon Right Click Keyboard Shortcut
Toggle Breakpoint F5
Abort Debug Session SHIFT+CTRL+F9
Trace Into F7
Step Over F8
Add Watch CTRL+F5
Trace Out SHIFT+F8
Run to Cursor F4
Stop on Exception CTRL+ALT+X
Auto Step Over SHIFT+CTRL+F8
Auto Trace Into SHIFT+CTRL+F7
Pause Auto Stepping ALT+P

Further Shortcuts In The Code Editor Editing Pane

Keyboard Shortcut Description
CTRL+Home Go to the top of the file
CTRL+End Go to the bottom of the file
Home Go to the beginning of the line
End Go to the end of the line
CTRL+Right Arrow Go to the next word
CTRL+Left Arrow Go to the previous word
CTRL+I Indent current line/selection
CTRL+U Unindent current line/Selection
F6 Go to the next tab
SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous tab

Further Shortcuts Viewing SQL Code Execution Results

Keyboard Shortcut Description
ALT+n Following a SQL query with many result tabs, go to the result tab numbered n.
CTRL+F11 Switch between the Query and Results page.
ALT+Enter Edit Cell Data.

Shortcuts In The Code Editor Toolbar

Icon Tool Tip Keyboard Shortcut Description
New SQL Tab CTRL+T Open a new tab for a SQL script in the Code Editor.
New Stored Object CTRL+N Create a stored object.
File | Open File CTRL+O Open a file from Windows Explorer.

File | Save to File


Save the file.

This option is enabled once the file has a name. For an Untitlted tab, save the file using File | Save to File As first.

Auto Code Completion


Turn on/off Auto Code Completion. (Auto Code Completion)

Use SHIFT+Spacebar to force code completion.

Split/Compare | Vertical Split


Adjust the layout of the editing pane.

Select from the options to split the editing pane in half either horizontally or vertically. The content of the editing pane will be visible in both panes. You can scroll the panes independent of each other.

Split/Compare | Horizontal Split SHIFT+F11
Split/Compare | No Split SHIFT+CTRL+F11

SQL History


Recall SQL statement.

Open in the Toolbox: History

PL/SQL Debugger CTRL+ALT+S Open in the Toolbox: PL/SQL Debugger

Execute | Skip to Top


Execute SQL statement in Code Editor.

As per Code Editor SQL

Execute | Skip to Previous SHIFT+F8
Execute | Execute to End F9
Execute | Execute Step F8
Execute | Skip to Next F10
Execute | Skip to Bottom F11
Object | Open/Create Package Body ALT+N Create a body for an existing package or (object) type
Save to Database CTRL+S Save the object to the database.
Execute Procedure / Function F9 Opens PL/SQL Execution Console.
Toggle Breakpoint F5 Add / Remove breakpoint on the selected line of code.
PL/SQL Debugger CTRL+ALT+S Open in the Toolbox: PL/SQL Debugger
Abort Debug Session SHIFT+CTRL+F9 For more information see PL/SQL Debugger.
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