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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Edit Menu

Common text and code-editing actions.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information
Undo Reverse the previous editing action.
Redo Reapply the previous editing action
Cut Remove selected text and place it on the clipboard
Copy Copy selected text to the clipboard
Paste Insert the clipboard contents at the cursor location.
Select All Select all text in the item being edited


Indent the current line

To increase or decrease the indent of selected text in the editor


Unindent the current line

To increase or decrease the indent of selected text in the editor

Comment Enclose the selected text inside PL/SQL comment marks
Uncomment Remove the PL/SQL comment marks from the selected text
Upper Case Convert selected text to upper case
Lower Case Convert selected text to lower case
Convert Keywords to Upper Case Convert all keywords and reserved words in the program to uppercase
Convert Keywords to Lower Case Convert all keywords and reserved words in the program to lowercase
Open Selected Text in Code Editor Place selected text in the Code Editor
Nil Insert
Menu Icon Menu Name

More Information


Insert a text file at the current cursor location.


Insert DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('') at the current cursor location.

This procedure displays program output after execution. For more information, see DBMS_OUTPUT.

Debug Variable

Create a debugging statement for the variable at the current cursor location.

  • The statement is copied to the clipboard.
  • Use Edit | Paste to place the statement in the code.

CRUD Matrix

Insert a CRUD (Create-Update-Delete) matrix, enclosed in comment markers, at the current cursor location in the Code Editor.

This provides a convenient method of documenting a procedure.

SQL Statement CRUD Matrix Dialog

Got to Line Move to a specific line number in the editor.
Jump to Matching Bracket Move to the other bracket within a given pair of brackets

Toggle Bookmark

Place a bookmark at the current line.

You can set up to ten bookmarks (identified numerically 0-9).

Go to Bookmark

Return to a bookmarked line in the code.

Example Scenario: Set bookmark number 1 in the DECLARE section and bookmark number 2 at your current editing location. To return to the DECLARE section press Ctrl+1. After looking at your variable or cursor declarations, return to your editing location by pressing Ctrl+2.

List Bookmarks

View / Go to / Delete bookmarked lines in the code.

Bookmarks Dialog

Open Object at Cursor

Open the database object referenced at the current cursor location.

Use to instantly find objects from stored programs or scripts, and open them in the Visual Object Editors.

Describe Object at Cursor

Show DESCRIBE information for the database object referenced at the current cursor location.

See also Describe.

Search Menu

Find text, code and database objects.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information


Find a text string.

Find and Replace


Find a text string and replace it with another.

Find and Replace

Find Next

Find the next occurrence as per Find and Replace

Find previous

Find the previous occurrence as per Find and Replace

Code Search

Find source code in the database.

Database Source Code Search

Find Objects

Find one or more database objects matching a search argument.

Find objects Dialog

Find Recycle Bin Objects

Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog

Requires Oracle 10g or later.

View Menu

Control what is displayed in the main application area.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information
DB Navigator Open / Focus DB Navigator
Code Editor Open / Focus Code Editor

Visual Object Editor

Visual Object Editors

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information
Cluster Editor Open a new instance of the Cluster Editor
Constraint Editor Open a new instance of the Constraint Editor
DataBase Link Editor Open a new instance of the Database Link Editor
Index Editor Open a new instance of the Index Editor
Nested Table Editor Open a new instance of the Nested Table Editor
Profile Editor Open a new instance of the Profile Editor
Redo Log Group Editor Open a new instance of the Redo Log Group Editor
Role Editor Open a new instance of the Role Editor
Materialized View Editor Open a new instance of the Materialized View Editor
Sequence Editor Open a new instance of the Sequence Editor
Synonym Editor Open a new instance of the Synonym Editor
Table Editor Open a new instance of the Table Editor
user Editor Open a new instance of the User Editor
Varray Editor Open a new instance of the Varray Editor
View Editor Open a new instance of the View Editor
Java Editor Open a new instance of the Java Editor
Instance Property Editor Open a new instance of the Instance Property Editor
Project Manager Window Show / Hide Project Manager
Task Manager Show / Hide Task Manager
Output Window Show / Hide Output Window
Code Assistant Show / Hide Code Assistant
Code Templates Show / Hide Code Templates
Auto-Describe Tool Show / Hide Auto Describe Tool
Source Preview Show / Hide Source Preview
Preferences Set SQL Navigator Preferences: View | Preferences

Screen Layout

Save up to ten layouts of dockable windows and recall them. For more information, see Customize The Screen Layout.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information


Layout 0-9

The current layout number is highlighted.

When you select a different layout number the current layout is saved before the screen layout switches to the selected layout.

Use Layout 0 as a general-purpose default layout.

Reset Docking Restore the current layout to the SQL Navigator default.

Session Menu

Manage and configure your connection to the database.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information

New Session

Connect to an Oracle database instance / Open a new Oracle session. Manage your database connections, including to create a database connection.

Oracle Logon Dialog


Switch between open Oracle Sessions. Show the current Oracle session.

You can set up multiple sessions with one or many database instances.

Server Output

Toggle On / Off Server Output

Capture Web Output

Start/Stop Capture Web Output

Include Debug Info

Watch, evaluate or modify a stored program variable.

  1. Toggle On Include Debug Info.
  2. Compile the program in the Code Editor.

See also: PL/SQL Debugger

Web Configuration

Set up Oracle Web development support.

Web Support Configuration Dialog

Wallet Operations

Features to decrypt the table keys to encrypt or decrypt application data

Menu Icon Menu Name
Generate Master Key
Open Wallet
Close Wallet


Suspend execution of the stored program.

PL/SQL Execution Console


Terminate execution of the stored program.

PL/SQL Execution Console


Commit all pending changes in all open editors for the current Oracle session.

Release any row or table locks held by the session.


Undo some or all of the changes made to the database during the current Oracle session.

Release any row or table locks held by the session.

Change Password

Modify the logon password of the current Oracle session.

Change Logon Password

Empty Recycle Bin Empty the recycle bin for the current Oracle session.
Reconnect Re-establish the database connection.


Close the current session. Close the Oracle connection. Disconnect from the Oracle instance.

You can disconnect from an Oracle instance and remain connected to other instances.

Close All Close all open sessions.
Related Documents
SQL Navigator for Oracle - 7.5
Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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