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Change Auditor for Fluid File System 7.3 - Event Reference Guide


Traditional approaches to handling file data growth have proven to be costly, hard to manage, and difficult to scale effectively and efficiently. Dell™ Fluid File System (FluidFS) is designed to go beyond the limitations of traditional file systems with a flexible architecture that enables organizations to scale out and scale up non-disruptively. It addresses organizational challenges by allowing you to gain control of data, reduce complexity, and meet growing data demands over time.

The FluidFS architecture is an open-standards based network attached storage (NAS) file system that supports industry standard protocols including NFS v4 and CIFS/SMB v2.1. It provides innovative features proving high availability, performance, efficient data management, data integrity, and data protection.

Specifically, the FluidFS technology:

Change Auditor for Fluid File System tracks, audits and alerts on file and folder changes in real time, translating events into simple text and eliminating the time and complexity required by system provided auditing. You can set the auditing scope on an individual file or folder or an entire file system recursive or non-recursive. You can also include or exclude certain files or folders from the audit scope in order to ensure a faster and more efficient audit process.


This guide lists the events that captured by Change Auditor for Fluid File System. Separate event reference guides are available that list the core Change Auditor events (when any Change Auditor license is applied) and the events captured when the different auditing modules are licensed.

Change Auditor for Fluid File System Events

This section lists the audited events captured by Change Auditor for Fluid File System.


FluidFS Folder auditing changed

Created when changes are made to the folder auditing list on the file server.


FluidFS Folder created

Created when a folder is created on the file server.


FluidFS Folder deleted

Created when a folder is deleted form a file server.


FluidFS Folder moved

Created when a folder is moved on a file server.


FluidFS Folder renamed

Created when a folder is renamed on a file server.


FluidFS Folder ownership changed

Created when a folder’s ownership is changed on a file server.


FluidFS Folder access rights changed

Created when a folder’s access rights have changed on a file server.


FluidFS File auditing changed

Created when changes are made to the file auditing list on the file server.


FluidFS File created

Created when a file is created on the file server.


FluidFS File deleted

Created when a file is deleted form a file server.


FluidFS File moved

Created when a file is moved on a file server.


FluidFS File renamed

Created when a file is renamed on a file server.


FluidFS File opened

Created when a file is opened on a file server.


FluidFS File ownership changed

Created when a file’s ownership is changed on a file server.


FluidFS File access rights changed

Created when a file’s access rights have changed on a file server.


FluidFS File contents written

Created when the contents are written on a file server.


Log Events

When event logging for FluidFS is enabled on the Agent Configuration page of the Administration Tasks tab in Change Auditor, FluidFS audited events will also be written to a Windows event log, named ChangeAuditor for FluidFS event log. These log events can then be gathered by InTrust for further processing and reporting.

The following table lists the log events captured when FluidFS event logging is enabled. They are listed in numeric order by event ID.

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