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Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory 20.10 - Release Notes

Command-line Sync

A synchronization or sync report of a profile cannot be started if a synchronization or sync report of the profile is already running.

To manually start a synchronization process from a command line:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to %Program Files%\Binary Tree\Dirsync
  3. Enter the command BinaryTree.DirSync.Exchange.exe, followed by the desired switch, ProfileID (if required), and the “Quit” option if desired.

Command switches:

/validate - Validates profile settings.

/settings - Write settings to console.

/reset - Clears all data from database.

/sync - Sync all profiles in parallel.

/resync - Clears all data from database and sync all profiles in parallel.


The following switches accept a DirSync Profile ID or will prompt you to select a profile:

/push - Scans source OUs for changes and stores in database.

/pull - Writes changes to target objects.

/pushpull - Scans source OUs for changes and writes changes to target objects.

/repush - Clears profile specific objects from database and run push operation.

/repull - Marks profile specific objects for resync and writes changes to target.

/repushpull - Clears profile specific objects from database and runs full sync operation.



/quit - Quits after a command executes, otherwise will prompt for user input.

Renames and moves fail to work if you are using a manual /repushpull or /resync command. Before running the /repushpull /repush /repull and /resync commands, administrators should clear the target OU of any previously created Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory objects.

If you do not include a Profile ID in the command, you will be prompted to choose one.


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