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Benchmark Factory for Database 7.6 - User Guide

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Latency_Interarrival Time

Interarrival time is the time between two successive transactions arriving at the server. It is used to determine the average transaction rate as seen by the server (i.e., the rate at which transactions arrive at the server).

When you specify Interarrival time, Benchmark Factory is instructed to ensure that the transactions arrive at the server at the specified interval, regardless of how long a transaction actually takes to execute.

For example, if the Interarrival Time is set for 60 seconds and a transaction runs for 20 seconds, a delay of 40 seconds is added (60 seconds - 20 seconds = 40 seconds). If the next transaction takes 28 seconds, a delay of 32 seconds is added.




Next Transaction


--20 sec.-- --40 sec.-- --28 sec.-- --32 sec.--

60 sec.

Interarrival Time

60 sec.

Interarrival Time


If a transaction takes longer than the Interarrival Time, the next interval is measured from the arrival of the next transaction.



Next Transaction



60 sec.

Interarrival Time


60 sec.

Next Interarrival Time


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