Disables archive gathering.
Disable-ASArchiveGathering [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-LinkId] <GUID>] [[-VaultStoreId] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Disable-ASArchiveGathering cmdlet disables archive gathering. After the command is executed, the result can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASLink -LinkName "VS1" | Get-ASVaultStore | Disable-ASArchiveGathering |
/* Disables archive gathering for specified Enterprise Vault Vault Store through link name */ |
Disable-ASArchiveGathering -LinkId "434b9603-1ab9-e511-80e6-005056b82cc9" Disable-ASArchiveGathering -VaulStoreId "13851C140C2F8184F993AF0C26BDA3C6C1210000ev10-site" |
$evlink = Get-ASLink -Type EnterpriseVault |Where-Object {$_.LinkName -like "*VS1*"}|Get-ASVaultStore Disable-ASArchiveGathering -VaultStoreId $evlink.VaultStoreId |
/* First Enterprise Vault Vault Store is searched through Link name then archive gathering disabled |
NOTE: Currently, only Enterprise Vault is supported (7.7). |
Start archive gathering.
Start-ASArchiveGathering [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-LinkId] <Guid[]>] [[-VaultStoreId] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Start-ASArchiveGathering cmdlet starts archive gathering. After the command is executed, the result can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. All parameters in the cmdlet are mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASLink -LinkName "VS1" | Get-ASVaultStore | Start-ASArchiveGathering |
/* Starts archive gathering for specified Enterprise Vault Vault Store through link name */ |
Start-ASArchiveGathering -LinkId "434b9603-1ab9-e511-80e6-005056b82cc9" Start-ASArchiveGathering -VaulStoreId "13851C140C2F8184F993AF0C26BDA3C6C1210000ev10-site" |
$evlink = Get-ASLink -Type EnterpriseVault |Where-Object {$_.LinkName -like "*VS1*"}|Get-ASVaultStore Start-ASArchiveGathering -VaultStoreId $evlink.VaultStoreId |
/* First Enterprise Vault Vault Store is searched through Link name, then archive gathering starts. |
NOTE: Currently, only Enterprise Vault and EAS is supported (7.7). |
Get information about licenses.
Get-ASLicense [-Core] <ConnectCore> [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASLicense will return info about licenses. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASLicense |
/* Returns all information of Archive Shuttle license(s) |
Creates a new link.
Add-ASLink [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-EnvironmentType] <ContainerTypeLinkEnum> [-LinkName] <string> [-LinkPath] <string> [-CustomerName] <string> [-NumberOfWorkers] <int> [-BatchSizeMb] <int> [-Format] <MailNativeFormatEnum> [-DefaultRolloverBytes] <long?>
[-DefaultRolloverItemCount <int?>] [-OutputPath] <string> [-LowWatermark <long?>] [-HighWatermark <long?>] [-FileNamePolicyId <int?>] -StorageType <StorageType> -Path <string> -AmazonS3Account <string> -AzureBlobStorage <string> [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASLink cmdlet creates a new link. For link type=PST, PST Output path watermarks can be specified. After the command is executed the link can be checked in the Archive Shuttle user interface. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Common Parameters: EnvironmentType, LinkName. Other parameters depends on environment type.
·For type ProofPoint: LinkPath, CustomerName, NumberOfWorkers, BatchSizeMb.
·For type PST or PSTJournalExplosion: DefaultRolloverBytes, DefaultRolloverItemCount, OutputPath, LowWatermark, HighWatermark.
·For type PSTJournalExplosion: FileNamePolicyId
NOTE: Some parameters are dynamically added/removed (based on EnvironmentType) |
Add-ASLink -EnvironmentType Office365 -LinkName "O365" |
/* Creates new Office 365 link */ |
Add-ASLink -EnvironmentType PST -Format PST -LinkName "PST as TARGET" -OutputPath \\UNCOutputPath-LowWatermark 21474836480 -HighWatermark 21474836480 |
/* Creates PST Target link with PST Output path and its watermarks specified */
Add-ASLink -EnvironmentType Office365 -LinkName "O365" |
/* Creates new Office 365 link */ |
Add-ASLink -EnvironmentType PST -Format PST -LinkName "PST as TARGET" -OutputPath \\UNCOutputPath-LowWatermark 21474836480 -HighWatermark 21474836480 |
/* Creates PST Target link with PST Output path and it's watermarks specified */ |
Add-ASLink -EnvironmentType StorageImport -LinkName "Storage-Amazon" -StorageType AmazonS3 -AmazonS3Account AmazonS3Account -Path "NewBucketUser01\Folder01" |
/* Creates Amazon Storage Import link */ |
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