This article contains frequently asked questions about the licensing requirements for Secure Copy version 7.
How is Secure Copy licensed?
This product is licensed in two ways: by "named server" and “per enabled user.” When licensed by “named server,” separate licenses must be purchased for each source and target device. Once used in a job, the license is tied to the device.
When licensed by “per enabled user,” every “enabled” Active Directory user, whether used for “service accounts” or not, must be counted in the total number of licenses purchased. This license model is equivalent to an “Enterprise” license type. This means you can use the product on as many devices necessary to complete a data migration.
Named Server Licensing
Can I move license from one server to another?
Yes, with the following exception. Once any job(s) has been executed, even if the job is started and stopped, the license may only move if the original source or target device is decommissioned and the same machine name is used for the replacement device. Once used in a job, the license is tied to the device and may only be moved to another source or target device with an identical host name.
Note: It is important to confirm your source and target prior to starting the configured job.
How many server licenses of Secure Copy do I need to purchase?
You will need to purchase a separate license for each source and target device involved in the migration when a “per server” license is purchased. A license is not needed for the machine that Secure Copy is installed on, unless it is also a source or target machine.
Example 1:
I am replacing an old file server with a new one. This configuration requires 2 licenses: 1 for the source and 1 for the target.Example 2:
I am consolidating 10 old file servers onto 1 new NAS device. This configuration requires 11 licenses: 10 for the source servers and 1 for the target.Example 3:
I run a weekly incremental copy from a file server at a remote site into my headquarters file server using Secure Copy. This configuration requires 2 licenses: one for the source and one for the target.
Does it matter how many CPUs or NICs are in a server?
No. Only the number of servers are counted. For NAS and SAN systems, it is only the number of named server(s) that is counted—not the number of storage nodes or disk arrays.
How is Secure Copy licensed in a Clustered Environment?
In a clustered configuration there are a few basics to keep in mind. If you target a node it will license the node. If you target the cluster Secure Copy will license the cluster. It all comes down to how you task your jobs!
Example 1:
I am running a job in a clustered environment with multiple sources. Where my source cluster is "\\CorpCluster\Data" and source server is “\\CorpServer1\d$” my target is “\\CorpServer2\d$”.This configuration requires 3 licenses: 1 for the cluster "CorpCluster," 1 for the file server "CorpServer1," and 1 for “CorpServer2,”
Note: When using multiple sources, one being the cluster and one being a file server (node) in the cluster, they will be treated like any other file server.
Example 2:
I am running a job in a clustered environment where my cluster name is "CorpCluster." My source path is “\\CorpCluster\Accounting\” and my target path is “\\CorpServer2\Backups\Accounting\.”This configuration will need 2 licenses: 1 for the cluster "CorpCluster" and 1 for the file server "CorpServer2."
Example 3:
I am running a job in an environment where my cluster name is "CorpCluster". The source path is "\\CorpCluster\Data2011" and the target path is "\\CorpCluster\Yearly_Data_Archives2011."This configuration will need 1 license, for the cluster "CorpCluster".
Note 1: In a clustered environment, data is typically copied to one server in the cluster, so only one target license is required. This configuration requires 2 licenses: 1 for the source server and 1 for the target node.
Note 2: The cluster host machine will not require a license unless the host machine is referenced in the copy job.
Note 3: In order to treat the whole cluster as a licensed server, be sure to copy only to and from cluster resources.
How is CIFS (Common Internet File System) licensed?
If the server is presented as multiple server names through DNS, a license is needed for each server name, if using the Named Server License. If accessing these files through different server names, they all must be licensed, regardless of the physical device on which the data resides.
Do I need a license for every server/device on my network?
No. One separate license is required for each named device that will be a source or target.
How are virtual machines licensed?
One separate license is required for each named server/device that will be a source or target. The virtual machine host machine will not require a license unless the host machine is referenced in the copy job.
A license will be required for any virtual machine running on a Windows host machine or NetApp vFilers running on a NetApp device.
Why do you sell a one-server license when I need a license for each source and target?
The one-server license is for additions to existing perpetual Secure Copy licenses only! They are for special situations and should be discussed with your account representative so the new license can be added to the existing license. Only one license key can be applied at a time.
An organization already owns 5 Secure Copy licenses for copying between 4 source servers and 1 target. They now want to add an extra source server, so they only require 1 additional license.
Can I move licenses from one server to another?
Yes, but once a job starts, even if stopped immediately, the license is tied to the device name and may only be moved to another source or target device with an identical host name.
What are the 30-day and 90-day license for?
All license keys for Term Licenses must be applied to the product immediately upon receipt of the license key. The time limit for each Term License begins once the license key is delivered and expires on the respective date of the Term. Products with perpetual license keys do not have restrictive time limits and should be used instead of Term Licenses in the event functionality is needed past the respective Term. 30-day and 90-day licenses cannot be extended or upgraded into non-term or perpetual licenses.
Can I combine 30- or 90-day Term Licenses that were purchased at different times?
No. Term Licenses are designed to work together only with the servers for which they were originally purchased. For this reason it is important to review the total number of servers/devices that will be part of your migration.
What happens if I exceed my license count?
Secure Copy will not run jobs when the number of servers you have created jobs for exceeds the number of licenses available. Additional license9s) will need to be purchased.
How can I add more licenses?
The process is the same for all products; contact your reseller or Account Representative to purchase more licenses, or send an email to
Link to Sales - Find your Sales Representative or Licensing Assistance
When your order has been processed you will be provided with a new electronic license for the total quantity of licenses purchased.
NOTE: In this situation you must discuss this with your account representative so the new license will be added to the existing license. Only one license key can be applied at a time.
Is an evaluation available? What restrictions does it have?
Yes, the product will run in evaluation mode when the evaluation license is applied after downloading the trial from our website. In evaluation mode, the product will only copy up to 2,500 files and allow you to test on 2 servers.
How do I find out how many licenses I have purchased?
You can view how many licenses have been used in the “Licensed Server List” via Help | Licensed Servers, and also in the “License Information Report” via Logs and Reports | Reports. You will be notified when you try to run a job if there are more servers in the job list than you have licenses available.
How do I find out how many licenses I've used?
You can view how many licenses have been used in the “Licensed Server List” via Help | Licensed Servers, and also in the “License Information Report” via Logs and Reports | Reports. You will be notified when you try to run a job if there are more servers in the job list than you have licenses available.
Per User Licensing
How many “per user” licenses of Secure Copy do I need to purchase?
Enabled User Object Software licensing is based on the total number of enabled user objects in the domain(s) to be managed by Secure Copy. Enabled user objects include, but are not limited to, users' logon accounts, secondary accounts tied to users, administrative accounts, service accounts, test accounts, and iNetOrgPerson objects. Licensee may only use Secure Copy to manage one or more domains in the licensee's collective network containing a number of enabled user objects that is equal to or less than the corresponding quantity of Enabled User Object Software licenses granted by Quest Software.
Why do I have to purchase the total number of enabled Active Directory users when I’m the only user of Secure Copy?
This license type is available for organizations that might have multiple locations, closed networks, server consolidations, or an unknown number of devices. This license type is enterprise-wide with no restrictions on the number of devices that can be migrated.
Is there a technician or single admin license available?
Currently Quest doesn’t offer a single-use or technician license for Secure Copy.
What do the License Status color codes mean?
The Licensed Status column uses a color code to indicate the status of the copy job.
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