The RMAD Comparison Reports database for each installation (RecoveryManager-Reporting-<RMADServerName>) can reside on the same SQL server and instance as they have different names, however the RMAD FE Persistence Database (ForestRecovery-Persistence) requires a different SQL server instance for each RMAD FE installation as the database name is the same for each install (cannot be changed) and it cannot be shared by multiple RMAD servers (the same is true for the comparison database has well).
Please note, the RMAD SQL databases are very small and do not store any historical data. The comparison reports database is only used when you run the Online Restore Wizard and the records in the database are overwritten each time. The FR Persistence database is only used when you run the a Forest or Domain Recovery from the FR console and again, the records are overwritten each time. Due to neither database storing historical data, an SQL Express instance is more than sufficient to host the databases and this instance can be hosted on the RMAD server.