Updates the specified container.
container --update --name <name>
[--no_of_drives <1-60>]
[--cloud_replication <yes|no>]
--name Name of the container. Valid values are [a-z,A-Z,0-9,'-' and '_' for non-VTL containers] and maximum of 32 characters.
--no_of_drives Number of Drives (applicable to FC containers only)
--cloud_replication <yes|no>
--immutable_file_stat Updates immutable file stat
The FC service will be restarted for this change to take effect, Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [n]? y
Successfully updated Container FC1's number of drives as 32.
Deletes the files and the existing container on which the files reside in a QoreStor when using the --name option with --delete_files command.
container --delete --name <name> [--delete_files]
--name Name of container.
--delete_files Deletes the files in the container.
WARNING: All the data in the container acme4 will be deleted!
Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [n]? y
Please enter the administrator password:
Container "default_ost" marked for deletion. Please run "maintenance --filesystem --reclaim_space" to recover the storage space.
NOTE: Be aware that it may take a fair amount of time for the QoreStor file and container deletion processes to complete and update the system status. For details on deleting the files within an OST container, see container --delete_files. |
Enables or disables a marker type or an automatic marker setting type (Auto) on an existing container in the QoreStor. To enable or disable the automatic marker setting type on an existing container, substitute Auto in place of a specific marker type (for example, Networker in the CLI command.
container --marker [--enable <Auto|CommVault|Networker|TSM|ARCserve|HP_DataProtector|Unix_Dump|BridgeHead|TiNa|Acronis>]
[--disable <Auto|CommVault|Networker|TSM|ARCserve|HP_DataProtector|Unix_Dump|BridgeHead|TiNa|Acronis>]
--name <name>
--enable Enable marker of given type.
--disable Disable marker of given type.
--name Name of container.
Marker updated successfully.
Other Examples
Disables amarker on an existing container in the QoreStor:
container --marker --disable--name acme99
Marker updated successfully.
Cloud policy for a replication primary container.
container --cloud_policy [--age_of_file <1 hours to 70 years (in hours)>]
[--incl_file_ext <file extension list>]
[--excl_file_ext <file extension list>]
[--incl_file_regex <file regex pattern>]
[--excl_file_regex <file regex pattern>]
[--incl_dir <include directory list>]
[--excl_dir <exclude directory list>]
[--stub_excl_dir <exclude directory list>]
[--stub_excl_file_regex <file regex pattern>]
[--stub_excl_file_ext <file extension list>]
[--on_prem_reten_age <1 hours to 70 years (in hours)>]
[--reset <incl_file_ext|incl_file_regex|excl_file_ext|excl_file_regex|incl_dir|excl_dir|stub_excl_dir|stub_excl_file_ext|stub_excl_file_regex>]
--name <name>
--stub_excl_dir Comma separated list of directories in which files under those directories that should be excluded from stubbing. (Ex: /excl_dir1/,.excl_dir2))
--stub_excl_file_regex | separated list of regular expressions skips the files to be stubbed.(Ex: .jpg|.gz)
--stub_excl_file_ext Comma separated list of file extensions of files to be excluded from stubbing.(Ex: .jpg,.gz)
--reset reset incl_file_ext, excl_file_ext, incl_dir excl_dir. stub_excl_dir, stub_excl_file_ext or stub_excl_file