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다음 문서의 설명에 따라 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.
GPOADmin gives organizations control of Group Policy Objects (GPOs) across the enterprise. Built to augment the Microsoft GPMC, GPOADmin provides comprehensive GPO management with additional features such as offline editing, reporting, archival and restoration, version control, test framework, change notification and approval, and quick rollback in the event that an object change has unexpected results.
As a result of ongoing research and development, and in response to customer feedback, the following enhancements have been made in this release of Quest GPOADmin:
GPO Validation enhancements
Report enhancements
Additional delegation rights
Additional platform support
The following support has been added:
Miscellaneous updates
The following is a list of resolved issues in this release.
Hide and show link is not functioning properly on the Group Policy Modeling report.
Existing custom search folders will not function after an upgrade.
After migrating the configuration store from Active Directory to SQL, backups are not removed when pressing the Apply Settings button on the Backup Retention page of the Service Options.
Running GPOADmin.ConfigMig.exe does not migrate all service options as expected.
The MMC snap-in may become unresponsive when running the Group Policy Object Consistency Report with 5000 or more GPOs.
Using SQL as a backup store will not allow you to export historical versions of GPOs as Protected Settings Policies.
When adding or removing account from the Access tab in the GPOADmin Properties, the display may not function properly and hide accounts.
Restore with links feature is not restoring the GPO with its last known links.
Merge failing when settings from Avecto Priviledge Guard present in a GPO.
Windows Defender settings are not shown in Difference Reports unless a path exclusion value is set.
Linking GPOs to OUs from a GPO in a container with approvals disabled still requires approval.
GPOADmin service cannot start if the service account is from a different domain than the GPOADmin server host.
Scheduled deployments are not displayed correctly when Approval Workflow is disabled.
Difference reports updated to handle the PublicKeySettings AutomaticCertificates setting.
Intune working copies are not showing the correct values after multiple edits.
Items registered in GPOADmin then unregistered cannot be re-registered through the Unregistered search folder.
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