The plug-in must be installed on the designated Linux-based media server in the following directory, /usr/openv/lib/. The plug-in is installed using a self-extracting installer that installs the Rapid NFS plug-in and all of its related components. The installer supports the following modes, with the default being Help (-h):
You can download the plug-in installer via the Dell website:
• |
Navigate to and locate the Drivers and Downloads location. |
1. |
NOTE: If you want to do a mount on AIX, you must set the nfs_use_reserved_ports and portcheck parameters first. The parameters cannot be set to 0. For example: root@aixhost1 / # nfso -po portcheck=1 root@aixhost1 / # nfso -po nfs_use_reserved_ports=1 |
To ensure that the plug-in is running successfully, check the log file at: tail -f /var/log/oca/rdnfs.log.
You can download the plug-in installer using the Dell website:
3. |
Open a command prompt with the “Run as Administrator” option selected. To do this using the Windows Start menu, click Start → All Programs → Accessories. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator. |
4. |
Run DellRapidCIFS-xxxxx.msi. |
To ensure that the plug-in is running successfully, check the Windows Event log file.
To determine if your system is using the Rapid NFS or Rapid CIFS accelerator:
2. |
In the Container Name drop-down list, select a NFS or CIFS container that is associated with your client. |
3. |
In the Connection Configuration pane of the statistics page, locate the NFS Write Accelerator or CIFS Write Accelerator field, depending on the protocol selected. |
4. |
Next to the Write Accelerator field is a value. Active indicates that the accelerator plug-in is installed and enabled. Inactive indicates that the plug-in is not installed or not working correctly. |
The configuration file is located /etc/oca.0/rdnfs.cfg.
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