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vRanger 7.6.5 - User Guide

Introduction Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring a physical server Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details
Add-BackupJobTemplate Add-CIFSRepository Add-DdbReplicationRepository Add-DdbRepository Add-EsxHost Add-HypervCluster Add-HypervHost Add-HypervRestoreJobTemplate Add-NFSRepository Add-NVSDRepository Add-PhysicalMachine Add-RdaRepository Add-ReplicationJobTemplate Add-RestoreFromManifestJobTemplate Add-RestoreJobTemplate Add-VirtualAppforLinuxFLR Add-VirtualAppforLinuxFLRVA Add-VirtualCenter Disable-Job Dismount-LinuxVolume Enable-Job Get-AddressBook Get-BackupGroupEntity Get-CatalogSearchData Get-CatalogStatus Get-ConfigOption Get-Connection Get-CurrentTemplateVersionID Get-Datastore Get-GlobalTransportFailover Get-InventoryEntities Get-IsInventoryRefreshing Get-Job Get-JobTemplate Get-MonitorLog Get-Network Get-PhysicalMachineDiskMap Get-Repository Get-RepositoryJob Get-RepositorySavePoint Get-RestoreDiskMap Get-SavepointDisk Get-SavepointManifest Get-Savepoints Get-TransportFailover Get-VirtualApplianceConfig Get-VirtualApplianceDeploymentStatus Get-VirtualApplianceReconfigStatus Get-VirtualMachinesUnderInventory Get-VmDisk Get-VMDKVolume Install-VirtualAppliance Mount-LinuxVolume New-BackupFlag New-BackupGroupMember New-Daily Schedule New-EmailAddress New-IntervalSchedule New-MonthlySchedule New-ReplicationFlag New-RestoreFlag New-SMTPServer New-TransportConfiguration New-VirtualAppliance New-WeeklySchedule New-YearlySchedule Remove-AllMount Remove-BackupGroupEntity Remove-BackupGroupMember Remove-Catalog Remove-DdbStorageUnit Remove-JobTemplate Remove-LinuxVolume Remove-Repository Remove-SavePoint Remove-VirtualAppliance Remove-VirtualApplianceConfiguration Run-JobsNow Run-ReplicationFailover Run-ResumeReplicationFailover Run-TestReplicationFailover Set-Cataloging Set-CBTonVM Set-LinuxVolume Set-MountPath Set-Resources Stop-vRangerJob Update-BackupJobTemplate Update-GlobalTransportFailover Update-HypervRestoreJobTemplate Update-Inventory Update-ReplicationJobTemplate Update-RestoreJobTemplate Update-VirtualAppliance Update-VirtualApplianceConfiguration
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vAPI Cmdlet details

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vAPI Cmdlet details



Adds a new backup group to vRanger. New-BackupGroupMember cmdlet is used to add members to a backup group created using this cmdlet or the UI.


Add-BackupGroupEntity [‑BackupGroupName] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


BackupGroupName <String>: The BackupGroup Name.
<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
Type [-Type]: This optional parameter specifies the type of backup group: VMware, HyperV, or Physical. If not specified, the default is VMware.


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vAPI Cmdlet details > Add-BackupJobTemplate



Adds a backup job. You also have the option of running the job immediately after the template is created.


Add-BackupJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑JobEntity] <Entity> [[‑ExcludedVMList] <String>] [[‑IncludedDiskList] <String>] [‑TargetRepository] <Repository> [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [‑Flags] <NoFlags | BackupPoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | UseFiber | PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure | UseCataloging | AllFlags> [‑NumberOfSavePoints] <Int> [‑SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag] <None | Incremental | Differential> [[‑SpaceSavingCountThreshold] <Int>] [[‑SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold] <Int>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [[‑FullBackupDays] <List`1>][<CommonParameters>]


JobName <String>: Job name.
JobDescription [<String>]: Job description.
JobEntity <Entity>: Inventory entity on which the job is going to run on — VMware® ESXi™ host, VirtualCenter, and so on.
ExcludedVMList [<String>]: List of VM universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to exclude from this job.
IncludedDiskList [<String>]: List of virtual disks to include in this job.
TargetRepository <Repository>: Repository where the backups are to be stored.
JobSchedule [<Schedule>]: Schedule on which the job runs.
Flags <BackupFlags>: Backup flags.
NumberOfSavePoints <Int>: Max number of savepoints to store before older ones are removed.
SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag <SpaceSavingTechnologyType>: Spacesaving technology to use: differential, incremental or none.
SpaceSavingCountThreshold [<Int>]: The number to save before performing a full backup.
SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold [<Int>]: The size to allow as a % of the VM hard disk file before performing a differential backup.
NotificationList [<String>]: Email notification list for the job.
RunJobNow [<Boolean>]: Whether to run the job now.
TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
FullBackupDays [<List '1>]: The days to perform a full backup.
<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"


This command adds a backup job template. Because the RunJobNow flag is not specified, the job does not run immediately.

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vAPI Cmdlet details > Add-CIFSRepository



Adds a CIFS repository to vRanger. The repository can be later used to store backup files from backup jobs.


Add-CifsRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑ShareName] <String> [[‑TargetDirectory] <String>] [‑DomainName] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑EnableEncryption] <Boolean>] [[‑EncryptionPassword] <String>] [[‑ImportOption] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Server <String>: The CIFS Server FQDN or IP.
ShareName <String>: Name of the file-system share the repository is on.
TargetDirectory [<String>]: The CIFS target directory.
DomainName <String>: Name of the domain.
User <String>: The CIFS user name.
Password <String>: The CIFS password.
Name <String>: A friendly name describing this CIFS server.
Description [<String>]: The description of the CIFS server.
Overwrite [<Boolean>]: Whether to overwrite the existing repository if one exists.
EnableEncryption [<Boolean>]: Whether to enable encryption.
EncryptionPassword [<String>]: The encryption Password.
ImportOption [<String>]: Whether to import the save points as read-write or read-only.
<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"


This command adds a repository on server myserver.dev.corp pointing to a share named myshare using the credentials provided. Existing repositories at the location specified are overwritten.

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vAPI Cmdlet details > Add-DdbReplicationRepository



Adds an EMC® Data Domain® Boost (DD Boost™) replication repository to vRanger.


Add-DdbReplicationRepository [‑Server] <String> [StorageUnit] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>][‑RepositoryId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Server <String>: The DD Boost server FQDN or IP.
StorageUnit <String>: The DD Boost storage unit.
User <String>: The user name to access the DD Boost server.
Password <String>: The password to access the DD Boost server.
Name <String>: A friendly name describing this DD Boost server.
Description [<String>]: The description of the DD Boost server.
RepositoryId <String>: Repository ID in GUID.
<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"


This command configures a replication repository for repository identified by ID 82E8A98A-1165-4ABE-966B-0E0AEF260620 on server myserver.dev.corp pointing to a storage unit named mystorage using the credentials provided.

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