Creating the boot media
To restore a savepoint to a physical machine, you must first boot the target server into the vRanger restore environment using the vRanger Restore images — ISO for CD, IMG for a bootable USB drive. You can download the restore image files — vzRestore-<version>.iso and vzRestore-<version>.img — from the Quest website.
To create the boot media, complete one of the following procedures:
Creating a bootable CD
Complete the steps in the following procedure to create a bootable CD.
IMPORTANT: The procedures for creating a bootable CD differ widely depending on the operating system and software used. The following procedures show how to use the native Windows® 7 utility to create a bootable CD. If you have a different image burning application, follow the instructions for that application.To create a bootable CD:
6 Click Burn.Creating a bootable USB drive
Complete the steps in the following procedure to create a bootable USB drive.
NOTE: There are no native Windows® utilities for creating a bootable USB drive from an IMG file. The following procedure was created using a freeware application, Image Writer for Windows. Follow the instructions for your application.To create a bootable USB drive:
2 Download the vRanger BMR Restore Image (IMG Bootable USB Drive) file from
5 In the Device drop-down list, ensure that the correct USB drive is selected.
6 Click Write.
7 Click Exit.
Booting the target server
To boot the target server, complete one of the following procedures:
Booting into the restore environment using DHCP
To boot into the restore environment using DHCP:
When the boot is complete, a list of available network devices and their connection status appears.
▪ If no DHCP server is detected, each Ethernet device shows as “Disconnected.” Select the preferred network device. If only one device is present, it is automatically selected. Press Enter to select the highlighted network interface. You are then prompted to select either Use DHCP, which attempts to obtain an IP address again, or Configure Static IP.
3 [Optional] If the vRestore environment does not contain the correct drivers for your hardware, enter a Linux® command prompt by pressing F1, and add them manually.
Booting into the restore environment using static IP
To boot into the restore environment using static IP:
If only one device is present, it is automatically selected.
3 Press Enter to select the highlighted network interface.You are then prompted to select either Use DHCP, which attempts to obtain an IP address again, or Configure Static IP.
4 To configure a static IP address, select Configure Static IP.
5 In the Setting Static IP dialog box, enter the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway information, and then select Submit.The target server is configured with the selected IP information.
6 [Optional] If the vRestore environment does not contain the correct drivers for your hardware, enter a Linux® command prompt by pressing F1, and add them manually.
Selecting a savepoint
The savepoint is from where the data for the physical machine is restored.
To select a savepoint:
1 In the main vRanger UI, click My Repositories.
3 In the Working Repository pane, select a savepoint to restore.
Click Next.
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