Deploying the VA by using the Virtual Appliance Deployment Wizard
vRanger uses a virtual appliance (VA) for replication to and from VMware® ESXi™ hosts, for FLR from Linux® machines, and optionally for backups and restores. The VA Deployment Wizard offers a simple method to deploy VAs one at a time. You can run the wizard for each VA that you need to deploy, or alternatively deploy multiple VAs at once as described in About deploying multiple VAs.
To deploy the VA using the wizard, complete the following tasks:
Starting the Virtual Appliance Deployment Wizard
Complete the steps in the following procedure to start the wizard.
To start the wizard:
▪ In the My Inventory view, right-click the host to which the VA should be deployed, and click Deploy Virtual Appliance.
▪ In the Virtual Appliance Configuration node of the Configuration Options dialog box, click Deploy Virtual Appliance.
Selecting a VA host
To select a VA host:
1 Select Deploy VA on Cluster.
3 Select Deploy VA on specific host.
5 Click Next.
Selecting VA deployment options
In the VA Deployment Options dialog box, you can configure the VA’s name and allocated resources. Also, you can configure the size of the VA’s scratch disk. For more information, see The VA scratch disk.
To select VA deployment options:
1 In the Virtual Appliance Properties section, confirm the VA Name — edit as required.
2 In the Virtual Appliance Option section, configure the resources allocated to the VA.You may select one of two preconfigured options, or configure a custom setting.
▪ Minimum Required: This setting allocates one CPU and 512 MB of RAM. This entry is sufficient for two concurrent tasks per VA.
▪ Quest Recommended: This setting allocates two CPUs and 1 GB of RAM. This entry is sufficient for four concurrent tasks per VA.
▪ Quest Recommended (with RDA repository): This setting allocates four CPUs and 2 GB of RAM. This entry is sufficient for running tasks going to RDA repositories.
▪ Custom Setting: Select this value to configure the VA with higher resources for five or more concurrent tasks per VA.
3 In the VA Datastore field, select the datastore for the VA’s primary disk.
4 In the Network Assignment field, select the network for the VA’s primary NIC.Select Use this virtual appliance for replication and configure the scratch disk size and datastore location. Use the information in Strategies for sizing the scratch disk to guide you.
NOTE: If you are upgrading an existing VA and want to migrate the scratch disk, do not select this option. For more information, see the topic on upgrading the vRanger VA in the Quest vRanger Installation/Upgrade Guide.
▪ In the VA Password and Confirm password field, enter a new password for the VA. If you change the password, this password becomes the default for subsequent VA deployments performed during this session.
▪ Leave the default password of vzroot1.
7 If you want to perform FLR from backups of Linux® VMs, configure a VA to use for Linux FLR.Select Use virtual appliance for Linux File Level Restore.
If you select this option for a different VA in the future, that VA is used for Linux FLR.
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