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Rapid Recovery License Portal 6.0.1 - User Guide

Getting Started with the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal Managing Licenses in the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal
Downloading Software from the License Portal Using the Dashboard Performing Global Searches in the License Portal Configuring Personal Settings Configuring Email Notifications Settings Changing your Password Managing Users Managing Groups Managing Licenses Managing Registered Agent Machines Managing Cores Working with License Portal Reports
Third Party Legal Notices

Managing Cores

The Cores area of the License Portal displays the AppAssure 5 or RapidRecovery Cores for the current group. This view lets you view and manage licenses on a machine-by-machine basis. Refer to the following topics for more information about viewing and managing AppAssure Cores.

Viewing and Searching for Cores

In the License Portal, you can easily view and search for core machines.

Status - The status of the machine as active or blocked. If a core is blocked it is no longer protecting data, and the license of a blocked machine is not counted in the pool.
Display Name - The display name of the core machine.
Group - The group to which this core belongs.
Machines - The number of protected agent machines associated with this core.
Replicated Machines - The number of agent machines replicated to this core.
Protected Data - The sum (in GB) of protected space used for protected and replicated agents.
Last Contact - The last date that the Core contacted the License Portal.
Version - The version of AppAssure 5 or RapidRecovery Core software installed on this core.
To start a new search, click the link, Clear Filters. in the Actions column.
NOTE: You can export the list of users as needed. To export, on the Export drop-down menu, click Export to XLS or Export to PDF as appropriate. Microsoft Excel 2010 and higher are supported export formats.

Viewing and Working with Core Details

In the License Portal you can view a variety of detailed information about a core, such as identifying information and modification history.

Delete - To delete the Core from the License Portal.
Block - To block the Core, which blocks the agents that it is protecting. This prohibits the agents from taking snapshots. It also stops the consumption of the license pool and changes the License Status to “Blocked.”

Working with Core Machines

In the Cores area of the License Portal, you can perform a variety of tasks, including blocking and deleting cores. When you block a core machine, you automatically block the agents that it is protecting, which prohibits the agents from taking snapshots and stops consumption of the license pool.

Table 12. Core Options


Blocks the Core. When you block a core, it blocks the agents that it is protecting, which prohibits the agents from taking snapshots. It also stops the consumption of the license pool.A blocked core is still billed for the current month. It is not billed for the next month. The License Status displays as “Blocked.”


Makes a blocked core visible again. When you unblock, you can select from the following options.

Unblock and Resume - Unblocks the Core and makes associated agents active again.
Unblock and Pause - Unblocks the Core, but the agents cannot take snapshots. You must navigate to the agents to resume protection.
Unblock and Downgrade - Unblocks the Core and downgrades the license to a a trial license so that it is not consuming your license pool.


Deletes the Core from the License Portal.


Detaches a license from the Core, for example, removes a current license for your appliance from being associated with a Core without deleting the license.

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