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Rapid Recovery License Portal 6.0.1 - User Guide

Getting Started with the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal Managing Licenses in the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery License Portal
Downloading Software from the License Portal Using the Dashboard Performing Global Searches in the License Portal Configuring Personal Settings Configuring Email Notifications Settings Changing your Password Managing Users Managing Groups Managing Licenses Managing Registered Agent Machines Managing Cores Working with License Portal Reports
Third Party Legal Notices

License Category

The reports listed in the following table are available for the License category.

Activated Licenses Report

Displays the list of machines that were activated over a specified period. It contains the following drill-downs:

Active Licenses Report

Displays a list of active licenses for a group and its subgroups. It contains the following drill-downs:

Blocked Licenses Report

Displays a list of blocked licenses for a group and its subgroups. It contains the following drill-downs:

Expired Licenses Report

Displays a list of expired licenses for a group and its subgroups. It contains the following drill-downs:

Trial Licenses Report

Displays the list of trial licenses for a group and its subgroups. It contains the following drill-downs:

Drill-Down Reports

Many reports support drill-down, for which, you can click links in a report, and a corresponding report appears. For example, when you click a group name, the report for the selected group appears.

The following drill-down reports are available:

Total machines. Shows the number of machines for the selected group, including all subgroups. You can drill-down to view the following:
Active machines. Shows the number of active machines for the selected group, including all subgroups. You can drill down to view the following:
Inactive machines. Shows the number of inactive machines for the selected group, including all subgroups. You can drill down to view the following:
Expired Machines. Shows the number of expired machines for the selected group, including all subgroups. You can drill down to view the following:
Blocked machines. Shows the number of machines for a selected group and its subgroups, including machines blocked by AppAssure. You can drill down to view the following:
Machine Name. Shows the machine details and machine's core details.
Group/Group Name. Displays group details.
Path/Group Path. Redirects to the group path that was clicked.

Generating Reports and Setting up Report Subscriptions

You can easily generate License Portal reports and set up report subscriptions. Refer to the topic, About the License Portal Reports, for information about the different types of reports available in the License Portal.

Click Add to automatically run the report on a recurring basis.

Managing Report Subscriptions

You can tailor your subscriptions to have reports electronically sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

For more information about reports and setting up report subscriptions, refer to the following topics.

See the topic, About the License Portal Reports, for more information about the different types of reports available in the License Portal.
See the topic, Generating Reports and Setting up Report Subscriptions, for more information about setting up report subscriptions.
Daily. The selected report is sent every day.
Weekly. The selected report is sent every Friday.
Monthly. The selected report is sent at the end of each month.


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