The Core dashboard displays a set of real-time graphical reports of data relevant to your Core, the machines you protect, and the snapshots saved to your repository. Dashboard reports include:
At the top of the Dashboard pane, you can click the (Expand) widget to display a list of reports displayed on the dashboard, in the three categories described above. Each report category and report has a check box. If the box is selected, the report or category appears on the dashboard. If you clear the option, the report does not display. In this way, you can easily change the display of reports on the dashboard. If you click
(Contract), the menu disappears.
You can also collapse or expand the view of any reports on the dashboard by clicking the up or down arrow in the header of the report. Some dashboard reports (machine connectivity and repository) have a plus sign next to the arrow, from which you can add another protected machine or another repository, respectively.
You can also drag and drop to move the location of one of the reports elsewhere on the dashboard, to order the reports in a manner most effective for your use.
In the Rapid Recovery Core Console user interface, a Protected Machines menu appears in the left navigation area. As with all menu labels in the navigation area, the label for this menu appears in all upper-case letters. By default, this menu is fully expanded, and shows a list of any machines that are protected by this Core. If you have any server clusters protected, then they are included in this list.
You can collapse or expand the view for protected machines and server clusters in your Core by clicking the [Contract menu] or
[Expand menu] arrows on the left side of this menu.
The Protected Machines menu includes a drop-down menu on the right side which lists functions that can be performed on all protected machines. Click the (More) icon to the right of Protected Machines to see the menu.
Each machine listed under the Protected Machines menu also has a drop-down menu that controls functions only for that machine.
If you are managing server clusters from the Rapid Recovery Core, the cluster also appears in the left navigation menu. From the drop-down menu for any cluster, you can also navigate to the Protected Nodes page for the selected cluster.
If you click the the [Contract menu] to the left of the Protected Machines menu, the list of protected machines and server clusters contracts, and no machines are listed. Clicking again on the
[Expand menu] arrow causes the list of machines to expand again.
Clicking any machine name in the Protected Machines menu opens the Summary page for that machine. For more information on what you can accomplish on the Summary page, see Viewing summary information for a protected machine.
Finally, clicking directly on the Protected Machines menu causes the Protected Machines page to appear in the main content area, with a single pane showing protected machines on this Core. For more information on what you can accomplish on the Protected Machines pane of the Protected Machines page, see Viewing protected machines.
NOTE: From the Protected Machines page, you can return to a view from the Core perspective by clicking the |
When you click the name of a protected machine in the Core Console, the Summary page appears. When displaying information for a protected machine—on the Summary page and all other views—there is a menu at the top of the page with functions you can perform. This menu appears immediately below the name of the protected machine.
On the Summary page, at minimum, is a Summary pane, and a Volumes pane. At the bottom of the Summary pane, to view system information for the protected machine, click System Information.
If a machine is added to replication, a Replication pane also appears.
If you have one or more protected Exchange servers, you will also see an Exchange Server Information pane that contains information about your protected Exchange server.
If you have one or more protected SQL servers, you will also see a SQL Server Information pane that contains information about your protected SQL servers.
Related topics:
The Summary pane contains summary information about the protected machine, including the host name, date and time of the last snapshot, date and time of the next scheduled snapshot, encryption key information, and version information for the Rapid Recovery Agent software. There is also a link to a detailed System Information page for the machine.
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