This option is not functioning properly in the manager console when selected or deselected. By default, the option is selected which will allow the client machine to bypass the script if a file named SLBYPASS exists on the root of the system drive on the client computer. A bug has been identified in all 9.x versions of Desktop Authority.
The checkbox in the manager console when selected or deselected respecitvely removes or writes the comment from the slbypass line in the SLogic.bat file.
To workaround this defect, navigate to the \\DASERVER\SLOGIC$\SLOGIC.BAT file and edit it with Notepad. If the line below contains a remark (REM) then bypass will not be allowed and if there is no remark then bypassing the script will be allowed. So, add the remark if you want to prevent users from bypassing the script and remove the remark if you want to allow the users to bypass the script.
Allow the script to be bypassed:
if exist %SYSTEMDRIVE%\SLbypass.* goto NtBypass
Don't allow the script to be bypassed:
REM if exist %SYSTEMDRIVE%\SLbypass.* goto NTBypass
Save the changes to the file and then replicate the changes from within the DA Console.
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