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DateRelevanceViews 표시 1-25 / 1166
How to backup AA Server to recover in case of disaster (4374134)

How to backup AA Server and how to recover in case of disaster. ... From the active administrator server you need to backup the shared folder, by default it is on the C drive.<br>Also is good practice to have regular database backups, and have a copy of the license key and database encryption passphrase on a secure location, also keep note of the service account used.<br>In order to speed up the process also a good idea to have a copy of the MSI for the current version of AA you running! in case you need to rebuild the server.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-03-19
NA rating | 283 보기
Does Active Administrator AFS service account require domain admin rights? (4371583)

Can we configure the AFS account to run without admin rights?

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-03-19
NA rating | 428 보기
Jquery Critical Vulnerability (4373658)

Our cybersecurity team has flagged JQuery as being out of date and representing a security risk on our active admin server. ... Active Administrator 8.3 ... Jquery is a bundled third party component of AA

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-10-19
NA rating | 193 보기
What permissions are required for the Active Administrator Audit Agent startup account? (4240318)

Using the table below you can determine what permissions are required for the Active Administrator service agent startup account.</span></p> ... <p> </p> ... <table border="1"><tbody><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><b><span style="color: black;font-size: 10pt;">Permissions</span></b>

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-19
NA rating | 797 보기
Knowledge Article
Unsigned LDAP requests do not appear in AA all events for last 24 hours (4378194)

Unsigned ldap requests are not appearing in the Active Directory Auditing (All events Last 24 hours). ... There are unsigned ldap requests being made to Domain Controllers because they are successfully monitoring Event ID's 2887, 2889 and others in Directory Services log of ActiveDirectory_DomainService.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-20
NA rating | 164 보기
Knowledge Article
Active Administrator console fails to connect with the error: "An error occurred while attempting to connect to AFS server. Could ot connect to net.tcp://ServerName:15600/Afs" (4236960)

When launching the AA console on either the AA server or a different machine the following error is shown: ... "An error occurred while attempting to connect to AFS server. ... Could ot connect to net.tcp://ServerName:15600/Afs"

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-19
NA rating | 2651 보기
Knowledge Article
GPO History module Last changed date does not match the GPO last modified date (4378274)

GPO History module Last changed date does not match the last modified date of the GPO in GPMC. ... When accessing the AA console and selecting a GPO from the GPO History module, a list of available backups is displayed by default.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-18
NA rating | 155 보기
Knowledge Article
How to verify the Workstation Logon Audit agent has been successfully deployed using a GPO? (4237047)

How can we confirm the Workstation Logon Audit agent has been deployed to the workstations? <div>To verify that the Workstation logon agent has been deployed to a machine, confirm that the GPO configured to install the agent has been applied to the machine.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-17
NA rating | 1745 보기
Knowledge Article
DFSRS Virtual Memory (4378469)

For AA 8.7, even if DFSRS Virtual Memory alert is turn off even though still receiving the DFSRS Virtual Memory error alerts. ... We have identified this issue as a bug 509418. ... This issue is resolved in AA 8.8.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-17
NA rating | 58 보기
Knowledge Article
Events of Domain accounts created on Exchange servers are not displayed on the Audit Report (4378455)

This issue is caused by the filtering settings in the audit reports. ... When a domain account is created, the acting user recorded in the event is typically the user who created the AD account. ... However, when a domain account is created on an Exchange server, the acting user is recorded as the Exchange server itself, rather than the user who initiated the creation of the account.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-14
NA rating | 150 보기
Knowledge Article
Event ID 1004 - An Event Definition was not found for Event Definition code Event Definition Code (4252372)

Event ID 1004 - An Event Definition was not found for Event Definition code Event Definition Code <p><span style="color: black;font-size: 10pt;">Event 1004 appears in the Event Viewer for the Active Administrator Notification Service</span></p>

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-11
NA rating | 669 보기
Knowledge Article
How to setup the Active Administrator Workstation Logon Feature (4371359)

This feature is an agent based solution which will install an agent on each workstation to be audited for user logon and logoff events including lock and unlock. ... In order for this feature to function, the agent must be instructed on where to send the data from the audit activity and the port on which to send the data to the Active Administrator server.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-06
NA rating | 445 보기
Knowledge Article
Job Details: **Warning(s)** Domain FQDN Domain name backup failed. Active Directory backup completed with warnings. (4298120)

Inherited permissions turned off at the root of the ActiveAdministrator share. ... Include inheritable permissions from this objects parent was disabled. ... Everyone had only read permissions on the Active Administrator share.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
NA rating | 368 보기
Knowledge Article
Cannot connect to Active Administrator after renaming the server (4246980)

Active administrator will no longer accept connections once the server has been renamed, either locally or from other console installations.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
5 rating | 956 보기
Knowledge Article
Can Active Templates be use to delegate access to GPOs ? (4302336)

Can AA Active Templates be use to delegate access to GPOs ? <p>No, Active Templates cannot be used to delegate access to GPOs. ... </p><p>Currently Active Templates can be only used to delegate access to manage the GPOs links, but not the the GPO itself.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
NA rating | 782 보기
Knowledge Article
User Logon Activity screen (4319763)

In addition to the graphical display on the Dashboard, the new User Logon Activity sub-function in the Security & Delegation module, provides a more detailed display of activity on all the workstations across the enterprise.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-06
NA rating | 935 보기
Knowledge Article
How to migrate data from one database to another using Database Migration tool? (4329024)

For example, you created a new Active Administrator Database and want to copy custom reports and alerts from an existing database ... Use the Database Migration Tool to copy the existing data to the new database.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
NA rating | 1625 보기
Knowledge Article
Audit Agent is experiencing problems writing to the database. (4298112)

Audit Agent is experiencing problems writing to the database. ... <p>Change the SQL server name from NetBIOS to FQDN.</p>

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
1 rating | 788 보기
Knowledge Article
How to delete old user accounts from the database (4305222)

How to delete old user accounts from the database so they are no longer seen in the Acting Users filter. ... Employees no longer with the company appear as active users in the Active Administrator Console | Auditing tab.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-07
NA rating | 526 보기
Knowledge Article
Active Directory Health Agent with Orphaned DC (4375076)

After manually uninstalling the Active Administrator Health Agent from a DC and removed it from the analyzer agents, the agent can&#39;t be reinstalled. ... When trying to add again the DC it would not be listed in the Domain Controllers with a pending agent installation, because it still appears under Monitored Domain Controllers tab from the Agents module.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 283 보기
Knowledge Article
Unable To Access Spotlight Diagnostic Console (4368731)

In older versions of Active Administrator was a Diagnose option under Active Directory Health | Analyzer that opens the Spotlight console, but this option is no longer seen in Active Administrator version 8.6.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 966 보기
Knowledge Article
"Error: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://ServerName/NsServiceHost that could accept the message." (4317099)

Alerts stopped working after patching servers. ... An error occurred while attempting to get the status of the notification policy. ... Please make sure the Active Administrator Notification Service is running.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 1272 보기
Knowledge Article
An error occurred while attempting to archive the event. The operation will be attempted again in 30 seconds. This is retry 1 of 10. (4378360)

AA alert purging is not working after upgrade to AA 8.8. ... Also, purging is going in to loop and need to restart the AA server to stop it. ... It starts purging process 1 out of 10, 2 out of 10 and when it reached to process 10 out of 10, it starts again from process 1.

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 94 보기
Knowledge Article
The locked out reason does not show anything (4257653)

Locked out accounts do not show any reason, or the data may be sporadic. ... <p>If there is nothing, the likely culprit is that the DC in which the lockout occurred does not have an agent installed, or it is malfunctioning.<br>Another reason could be that the DC is not auditing these events, but that is much less likely.</p>

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 1004 보기
Knowledge Article
What are the System Requirements? (4220323)

The System Requirements can be found on the Support Portal in the Release Notes which are located in the Technical Documentation location:

제품: Active Administrator
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2025-02-05
NA rating | 965 보기
Knowledge Article
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