You can customize the Systems Management Appliance with your own logos using Logo Overrides:
- Click Settings | General Settings.
There are three logo uploads available:
User Portal
- 224x50 is the standard size.
- 104x50 is shorter and doesn't clip the blue highlight around the 'Log Out' link.
- 680x300 is about as big as you can get without impacting the layout.
- Logo file types for the user portal is .bmp, ,gif, .jpg and .png.
The graphic must be 201 pixels wide by 63 pixels high as specified in the auto-generated XML layout. To use a different size, adjust the output of the XML report.
Agent Alert
Graphics for pop-up messages must be in BMP format and 100 pixels wide by 38 pixels high.
If the default Logo does not appear on the agent alert:
One of the causes is if the logo does not meet the required specifications of 100 x 38 and 24-bit color depth.
- If the color depth is 32 Bit (Right click the file, select properties, then click the Details/Summary tab. If the file is 32-bit and you are using Windows XP, there will be no Summary information, you can convert it using a 3rd party utility, or you can use MS Paint.
- In MS Paint, if you re-save as 24-bit, the file will still be 32-bit color depth unless you made a change to the image. As a workaround, save the file as a .jpg, then edit the newly created file and now save it as 24-bit Bitmap.
- Refer to the KACE System Management Administrators guide for more information on logos. To access the Administrator guide from your appliance, Click Settings | Support | Administrator Guide and use the search feature to search for "Logo"
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Agent Alert will not update until the next time the system checks in.