For 6.0 and newer:
Role permissions control what is visible (Read only), hidden, or writable in the User Portal.
Change what displays for your users by creating a customized role:
- Log into the Administrative Console.
- Click Settings | Roles and open the User role. Note that the preconfigured roles created by KACE cannot be modified or deleted.
- Click Duplicate.
- Enter a name for your customized role and then click User Console to expand the configurable options.
- Set the tabs to Read, Write or Hidden.
- Click Save.
Apply the role to the user by either setting the default LDAP role to your new customized role or by manually changing their role. When a user is first created on the K1000 they retain the role that they initially got. For example if you imported your LDAP users and assigned the role User as the default, everybody you imported will retain the role user even if you change the default role of the LDAP configuration.
To manually change a user's role:
- Click Settings | Users.
- Select the users and in Choose Action click Apply Role | Your Customized Role.