What is 'netdiag'?
Netdiag is a set of pre-defined commands that can be used from the console of the appliance that can be used by support and customers to help troubleshoot issues regarding the appliance.
Logging in to netdiag console:
- Login: netdiag
- Password: netdiag
From KACE SMA 7.x version and older:
You must provide username/password from another user with an Admin role applied.
[netdiag@kbox ~]$ klogin_reset
This script will now reset the admin password. Are you sure (Yes/No)? Yes
System's Admin password has been reset to 'admin'.
From KACE SMA Full ORG's 7.x and newer:
Run the command: 'reset_admin_password'
[netdiag@kbox ~]$ reset_admin_password
The admin account password has been reset to 'admin'
From KACE SMA Standard 7.x version and newer:
Run the command: 'reset_admin_password'
[netdiag@kbox ~]$ reset_admin_password
The admin account password has been reset to 'admin'