When performing a VA replication you see a similar error "Message: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Vizioncore support if the error persists. Error Message: Warning: Permanently added 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. FATAL cant_write can't write vix:r:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:902:[Datastore] VM/VM_Replica.vmdk:moref=vm-8258:snapshot-8265:3 [at slave_main:569] FATAL internal internal error [at pkt_recv_unlock:82]"
This error could occur if the VAs are unable to communicate with the Virtual Center(s) and/or Host(s)
Please use the following steps to confirm that the VA's for VA replication are able to communicate with all the components used for replication.
1. From the vRanger machine putty into the source VA.
2. Log in as root in the source VA.
3. Run the following command to test the VA communication to the source VC "telnet <virtual center FQDN> 443" you should see similar output:
Trying VC IP...
Connected to <VC FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
If no VC is used in the environment skip to step 4.
4. Run the following command to test the Host communication to the source Host "telnet <host FQDN> 443" you should see similar output:
Trying Host IP...
Connected to <Host FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
5. Run the following command to test the Host communication to the source Host "telnet <host FQDN> 902" you should see similar output:
Trying Host IP...
Connected to <Host FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version 1.10: SSL Required, ServerDaemonProtocol:SOAP, MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC , VMXARGS supported
6. If for any of the connection tests you saw "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused" this may be an indication that your source VA is unable to communicate with the VC and Host on the source side and may require a reconfiguration of the firewall to allow the communication above to occur
7. Run the following command to test the source VA communication to the target VA "ssh <target VA IP> you will be asked to type in the target VA's root password if the connection is made
8. Run the following command to test the VA communication to the target VC "telnet <virtual center FQDN> 443" you should see similar output:
Trying VC IP...
Connected to <VC FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
If no VC is used in the environment skip to step 9.
9. Run the following command to test the Host communication to the target Host "telnet <host FQDN> 443" you should see similar output:
Trying Host IP...
Connected to <Host FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
10. Run the following command to test the Host communication to the target Host "telnet <host FQDN> 902" you should see similar output:
Trying Host IP...
Connected to <Host FQDN>.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version 1.10: SSL Required, ServerDaemonProtocol:SOAP, MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC , VMXARGS supported
11. If for any of the connection tests you saw "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused" this may be an indication that your target VA is unable to communicate with the VC and Host on the target side and may require a reconfiguration of the firewall to allow the communication above to occur
12. Once all the communication test are successful VA based replication should begin to work but there could be other factors that may cause it to fail. Pease take a look at our KB system to find other KBs that may be related to your issue at the following link, https://support.quest.com/Search/SearchKnowledgebase.aspx?dsNav=Ns:P_ProductVersion|101|-1|,N:268446589&Dt=vRanger
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