While attempting a backup of a Windows 2008 virtual machine on vSphere 5 with the "Enable Guest Quiescing" option enabled in the vRanger backup job, the attempt to take the quiesced snapshot is reported as failed in the vCenter/Host Task list. The backup fails. Inspection of the VMware task log details reveals the following errors:
The guestOS has reported an error during quiescing. The error code was: 5 The error message was: 'VssSyncStart" operation failed: IDispatche error #8454 (0x80042306)
The guestOS has reported an error during quiescing. The error code was: 3 The error message was: Quiesce operation aborted.
The guestOS has reported an error during quiescing. The error code was: 3 The error message was: Error when notifying the sync provider.
In addition, inspection of the VM's file system in the Datastore Browser reveals that snapshot files were indeed created (the presence of "*.-00000x.vmdk" files will be noted).
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